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Advice on hgh


New member
K i would like some advice on taking this stuff. any help would be great. even if your gonna bash, lets hear it cause i wanna hear lots of input.

ok so ive done 3 extremely short cycles.

1st tbol/prov for 4 weeks
2nd dbol/prov 2 weeks
and today ended my 3rd cycle which was dbol/prov 2weeks.

in 2 weeks i will continue with my dbol/prov for another 2 weeks.

i can get some local hgh for alot cheaper than i found on the net. so im gonna be doing it.

here is what i have planned as of today.

2 weeks on 2 weeks off with the dbol/prov for 3 months
thats a total of 6 weeks of dbol at 20mged

thatll bring me to November when ill stop dbol to allow enough clearance before any possible test come in Jan.

Now im gonna be buying some Hgh soon and would like to know what kind of dosages i should be taking and how often.

My goal is to be a solid 200 (currently 180pounds) by November. which will be a little harder for me than most of you guys seeing as i do a shit load of running every day.

so neways. how should i cycle this hgh in with my dbol/prov program..what have you guys done in the past? what worked what didnt?

when i stop taking the dbol i will NOT stop taking the hgh. i will continue to cycle it throught the year and next year seeing as it cant be detected by any test yet.

so what do you think?


All of those orals can't be good for you... GH alone won't put on that much mass at any "fast" rate w/o using heavy AAS, thyroid hormone (like t4) & probably insulin.

I suppose you'd want around 4iu ED but I'd start with 2 and just do a lengthy (16wk) cycle of something like test & deca
ah shit i just read the part about the test... i suppose the shorter esters would be good for you test prop, npp
Afraid of needles?

Bro. forget hgh for now. Do a 12 week Test/ Deca/ Dbol cycle.
You want to lift heavy as hell, eat like a horse, and bulk up to about 210. Then after you have the size cut with something like Test/ Tren/ Mast/ Anavar next spring.

hgh can be ran but you won't see results for months. A full natural replacement dose is 2 iu's/day. At that dose you probably won't feel or see a thing. 4iu's/day will help build some muscle, make you sleep better and smooth out the wrinkles on your skin, but I don't think that's a concern at your age. 5 to 6 iu's/ day is where you will get result's but no quicker.
hgh must be taken every morning 4 or 5 am. You will need 4 to 6 months to see results. So you go 2iu's month 1, 4 iu's month 2 and 3.
Then 5 or 6 iu's/day for the next months. Total cost for about 8 month cycle = $2,500. you get twice as big with bread and butter Bulk / cutter cycles.
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