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What do you guys think of a Anavar/Clen cycle. Looking to HARDEN up, and cut up. Heard from lots it gives great results.

Thinking of:

40mg/Anavar ED
Clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off...

Run Anavar 8 weeks straight, and run clen for 6 weeks total.

What do ya think?

Also, would you need Clomid on the cycle?
sk* said:
Run the clen for 10weeks and yes you need clomid.

Hey SK,
Do you really think that you need clomid after only taking var and clen. I don't get it. I thought neither will aromatise. I've never hit clomid after a var cycle...I didn't hit it after a whinny cycle either. How much clomid do you think he should take?
Monkey, he suggested me taking 100mg for 10 days post cycle.
I can get clomid in 25mg I guess take 4 a day....

He said start Clomid 2 days after last anavar tab......

What results have you gotten from Anavar?
I don't think *most* people will have to use Clomid after a short, low dose Anavar cycle. I did 2 cycles of it, both 6 weeks long and had very little HPTA supression. I'm sure there was some obviously, but not enough to cause any trouble as I didn't lose any of the gains. If you take a much higher doseage or run it much longer then you may need it. If your nuts don't shrink then don't take clomid. No reason to put any extra drugs in your body that you don't need to.
LookingToCut said:
I can go with Generico or **'s tabs.....

Heard nothing but positive stuff on Generico tabs...Everyone loves em :)

He's closed shop until further notice
Gen is stil up and running perfectly. I talked to him today.....

Also, Sk*, the Clomid tabs I get are 25mg....So that means the first day, I'd have to take 12 of them!

Then 4 of them for the nex 10 days, and last day take 2.


I can expect bf% reduction and good cutting from 8 weeks 40mg ED OX, and 10 weeks Clen stacked....Correct?
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