What do you think about cutting down on anavar and tbol for my next cycle?
I’m currently in my 50’s and its been a long time since I was lean. Would be nice to be able to see my penis when I take a leak lol. I got a bigger gut. But I am a powerlifter.
What do you think of doing 50mgs of tbol and...
I’m looking to do a short steroid cycle with orals and I would like to recover quickly from it.
Did a lot of research from the podcasts and articles on here. This forum is pretty damn cool and there is a ton of info so I keep researching.
Would love to see some opinions on doing a dianbol and...
I decided to try something a little different for this cycle and instead of bulking I decided to do a nice cutting stack that was mild. Wasn’t sure what to expect on Primo and tbol together. I know both are very weak steroids so I was surprised when I was able to put on a solid amount of lean...
had a question which I know isn’t very scientific more of an opinion than I’m seeking from those of you who have used PSL tbol vs. anavar.
How much of each can you use to get good results if I am seeking lean muscle mass. Which one of them have the best value when it comes to a general workout?
I want to do a little bit of a weird cycle and I want to see if anyone has tried this stack before and what kind of results you got.
The cycle I want to do is tbol, halo and primobolan
gonna do 20mgs tbol, 10mgs halo, and 500mgs primo.
What advice do you have for me when it comes to doing that...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #69 - Tbol and Winstrol 2024 with Para Pharma
I’ve used GP for the first time recently and it was a 12 week cycle. Didn’t do anything complicated. Wanted to get some lean muscle mass and bring up my legs too. Ran a 3 steroid stack and it went great! nice experience using them ordering was simple online and everything came perfect. products...
looking to do a trio of steroids this time.
Tren E, EQ and tbol together
my plan is this:
tbol 30mgs a day 6 weeks
tren E 250mgs a week 10 weeks
EQ 12 weeks X 500mgs a week
low dose sust with it
33 yrs old. 4th cycle. 207 pounds and 12% body fat.
Should I increase the dose if I start doing good...
27 yrs old
2nd cycle
not interested in anything too aggressive. Just want something mild
205 lb and I’m 6 foot 3 inches
looking for info on primo and tbol
my plan was
4 weeks tbol to start and finish
12 weeks primo
just need help on dosing them
I’m 48 years old
goals are shifted away from size and strength to more Aesthetics
I’m 20% body fat and 5’8’’ 210 pounds
need some help choosing the cycle for me
its between
A: test, deca, tbol
B: test, primo, dbol
which one would you pick?
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #36 - Tbol only vs Dbol Only with Para Pharma
I’m looking to kickstart my testosterone and equipoise cycle with either anavar or tbol
5 week oral kickstart
goals are lean muscle mass
6’ tall and 183 pounds
I train daily for 30 minutes and do about 15 sets
looking for something with low sides I guess
27 years old and 206 pounds
Interested in trying out turinabol
heard a lot of good things about this oral steroid and how it has low side effects
I currently go to the gym and I spent about 25 minutes swimming then I change and do weight training for about 45 more minutes
would tbol be a good...
I have been on 500 mg of testosterone and 800 mg of equipoise for the past 12 weeks. I’m using domestic Supply and this is my third cycle I’ve ever done
I have been gaining a steady one pound per week and my total weight gain is now up to 11 pounds
I’m also on aromasin and I also am taking some...
I’m a female who’s 35 years old and I have been training in the gym for about 10 years.
One of my friends confessed to me that she has been using steroids for the past year. She looks really good but she’s also pretty thick.
Looking to lose some weight and also tighten up my core.. would tbol be...
so I'm looking to gain more strength but I don't want to get any masculine side effects either
I know that steroids are definitely something other women at my gym are using
I'm currently in a situation where I would like to improve on my workouts. I'm currently benching around 90 lb and I would...
everybody on here is always talking about how they primobolan and anavar
Well not all of us can afford to spend that sort of money
what do you think about using tbol and equipoise instead?
is it more of a poor man's version or is it a situation where you wouldn't even notice the difference?
My current stats are 41 years old 6'2 and 208 lb
I like staying lean and aesthetic looking. I don't want to get above 220 lb
I've run a handful of Cycles in the past
This time want to run something fun
Deca 400mgs per week
Test cyp 250mgs per week
Tbol 30mgs a day
Hcg 1000ius 3x per week
Is my...
Evolutionary.org 535 - Can you cut on steroids like tbol or dbol?