E EarthRider Jan 16, 2012 Hey Slayer. I noticed not many betting on basketball. I will continue to bet if you post them. I am a big 10 fan (Wisconsin especially). Just sayin bro, thanks for posting
Hey Slayer. I noticed not many betting on basketball. I will continue to bet if you post them. I am a big 10 fan (Wisconsin especially). Just sayin bro, thanks for posting
E EarthRider Oct 17, 2011 You forgot to settle this one. Can you please start putting up the Wisconsin games http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/karma-bookie/10-15-ncaafb-8-clemson-maryland-7pm-espnu-795353.html
You forgot to settle this one. Can you please start putting up the Wisconsin games http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/karma-bookie/10-15-ncaafb-8-clemson-maryland-7pm-espnu-795353.html
IncredibleHoss Oct 2, 2011 Hey i think you forgot about the Tx game or you just been busy! thanks slay
IncredibleHoss Oct 1, 2011 glad to see the college games back up! How did you get so red in the karma! i TRULY appreciate you posting the NCAA games. Its addicting
glad to see the college games back up! How did you get so red in the karma! i TRULY appreciate you posting the NCAA games. Its addicting
E EarthRider Sep 23, 2011 bro, no Wisconsin game, wtheck. I stone people for less than this lol, jk, kinda