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Recent content by ripped103

  1. R

    ip d-bol question

    its called your blood-pressure rising. 100mg of dball i hope your over 200 pounds because 50mg for me my nose wont stop bleeding and my blood pressure skyrockets and i get the worst low back pain
  2. R

    You Know Your F*cki*g Big When =

    i dont understand im 5-6 200 pounds and i still feel small and fat. i guess that what im always at the gym and on some sort of diet. oh well ill just never be happy. my girlfriend thinks im crazy but maybey ill be happy when i reach 210 and 5% bodyfat who knows im like 12% right now 33 inch...
  3. R

    off topic: anyone plan on going to Night of the Champions?

    when is it and how much are the tickets .ill go im from n.y
  4. R

    are there any upcoming bodybuilding shows in the N.Y- N.J AREA

    looking to buy some tickets for some upcoming shows.thanks for the help
  5. R

    primobalan dept at 50mg a week?

    just curious how many woman have tried this and what were your results and what were your sides. i was going to try 50 a wee for 4 weeks then if no sides bump it ip to 100mg for another 8 weeks or so.looking to get harder, stronger and more vascular.not really looking to put on much weight just...
  6. R

    china express order seized again

    yep, san fran it is
  7. R

    china express order seized again

    stopped in cali
  8. R

    china express order seized again

    well i emailed him im sure he will work it out, he always does.just wanted to give a heads up for those read to order. im more concerned about controlled delivery then my money
  9. R

    china express order seized again

    never ordering express again this is the second one in a couple of months, i hope they just send a letter.this really sucks. it was 1000 tabs of anavar and some clen no liquids.and the first time it was also tabs.
  10. R

    running out of anavar,i have winny, durabolin, and primo

    been on anavar for 6 weeks and have about another two left. so far i like the anavar but im running out.which should i try next, winny at 12.5mg a day orally.durabolin at 25mg evey 5 days or primobolan depot at 50mg day help me decide.i want something with the least side effects. so far the...
  11. R

    ladies hows my diet ?(please read)

    new@gettinbig. why is a no-carb shake before bed no good.i have never heard that before.thanks
  12. R

    ladies hows my diet ?(please read)

    so far muscles are loooking fuller, feeling a little crampy and bloated from the anavar.stomach looks more defined when not holding water.weight is up about 5 pounds so far. thanks for the info anyone else with some insite.
  13. R

    ladies hows my diet ?(please read)

    ok when i said 60 grams carbs that was only for carbs. fat i take in very minimal
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