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Work schedule messing up cycle - How would you do it?


New member
I'm planning my cutting for next spring/summer but my work schedule is kind of fucking it all up. I know it's possible to work it out since one of the best heavy weight BB's in my country has the exact same job and he pulls it off some how. I met him once and we talked about a lot of things but it just didn't feel right asking him about that on the spot.

So here's how the work schedule will function (ON means that I am available for AAS or PCT, while OFF means AAS or PCT is just not possible):

1 week ON
1 week OFF
2 weeks ON
2 weeks OFF
3 weeks ON
2 weeks OFF
4 weeks ON
2 weeks OFF
3 weeks ON

If I were to do some cutting during these weeks, how would you do the AAS and PCT for best results? So far I have stocked up for these weeks: Anavar, Primobolan, Winstrol, Masteron, Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, Nolvadex, Arimidex, HCG and Clomid. Was hoping to be able to use some if not all of these in the mix since it's already in hand.

Other substances such as Test, D-bol, EQ, Deca etc. can also be added in to the mix. The goal is obviously to keep the mass built up this winter and to avoid catabolism.

FYI, during both OFF and ON periods I will be able to adjust both food intake and training as I wish. Supplements such as protein, Aminos, Creatine, EFA's etc. will also be no problem during all weeks. Also there isn't any way I can "wait for a time in my life where I can do it as normal with cycle following a PCT". This is simply my line of work all year round and I'm just trying to make the best of it.

Thanks for helping! :)
Sorry bro i did not understand ur thread...... U planing on using gear 1 week on and 1 week off ??

Well...yes? If possible? If it can be done without being a total waste? Maybe combining cycles with PCT overlapping each other? Maybe using some slow released test right before 1-2 weeks off period and then PCT the next ON period? Frankly I don't know how to pull it off. It's not that I "want" to do one week on, one week off. It's just how it is due to my job. All I know is that listed is my work schedule and I don't want to walk around all bulky next summer :D

I'm guessing it's possible to plan cycles and PCT during these weeks listed even though it is a mess with OFF/ON weeks. Hopefully someone has some good suggestions.
Well...yes? If possible? If it can be done without being a total waste? Maybe combining cycles with PCT overlapping each other? Maybe using some slow released test right before 1-2 weeks off period and then PCT the next ON period? Frankly I don't know how to pull it off. It's not that I "want" to do one week on, one week off. It's just how it is due to my job. All I know is that listed is my work schedule and I don't want to walk around all bulky next summer :D

I'm guessing it's possible to plan cycles and PCT during these weeks listed even though it is a mess with OFF/ON weeks. Hopefully someone has some good suggestions.

This is crazy-talk ...Fuggetaboudit.
ur work doesn't allow you to juice properly. so deal with that reality.

there was a guy who posted his wife wouldn't let him juice so he had to cut his cycle short. if you have an issue where you cannot juice without major risk then dont juice period.
I have to ask, if work prevents AAS use every other week, how you gonna get to the gym?
I have to ask, if work prevents AAS use every other week, how you gonna get to the gym?

A gym, plenty and good food, nutrition supplements are available at all time/locations, but it's just not possible to bring AAS at all times. The list shows when it's possible.
Where do you work?

Are you away for seven days at a time?

Can you not pin long estered gear once a week? The day you leave and the day you get back?
you could inject right before you leave for work.. and right when you get back. once a week injections are possible with something like Test E/cyp. that would be your best bet.

even deca i would inject twice a week, its too much juice for one shot.
You can take an oral during your 4 weeks "on" as well as test with an ester like cyp squeeze the 5th shot in and pick up after the two weeks "off" ands it's only like u missed 1shot . Never tryed it just a suggestion.
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