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Author Topic:   The Final Word? Diet or Cardio

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 214
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 25, 2001 09:33 PM

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Hey Guys,

Is it possible to do NO cardio, and just diet correctly to get a six pack. I am really not a fan of running, and I Have read in multiple places that diet is the main factor.

My concept is if you BURN more calories then you eat, you end up burning fat. If this holds true, if I were to eat salad everyday for the next month, can I plan to see some significatn fat loss, at the same time preserve muscle. (My salad has around 50 grams of protien).


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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
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posted January 25, 2001 10:54 PM

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It's possible, yes. If your salad had NOTHING but 50 grams protein (in other words no fat or carbs) and IF you ate this 5 times per day, that would work out to 1000 calories per day. If 1000 calories per day is 1000 calories less than what you burn off, then you should lose 2 pounds per week. However, this probably won't work for very long, because those calories are so low that your metabolism is likely to crash (especially without cardio). They're also so low that you risk losing muscle as well. Tell us what the nutritional composition of your salad is.

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The Shadow

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 26, 2001 09:38 AM

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Well...I have never been able to get to 8% with a good diet alone, even with some "support"

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Hot Bod

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 26, 2001 03:40 PM

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Diet and cardio are the key to fat loss and great abdominals. Running is not the only way to do cardio. Any good gym will have a multitude of cardio equipment to use. Just find the one that is the most tolerable and use it! Perhaps, if you put on headphone and get into some good music with your cardio it will be more tolerable.

The shortcut to fat loss is good nutrition and lots of sweat. You'd be taking your chances trying to shortcut without cardio. That's why people who constantly go on diets usually put weight back on, they don't incorporate activities which raise their heart rate, i.e. cardio. I realize that you probably weight train and you may think that it's enough, but if you have fat to lose, try to incoporate cardio. Besides, your heart muscle is the most important muscle in you entire body!

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Cool Novice

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posted January 26, 2001 09:21 PM

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Unless you have a good supply of vitamin-s
it takes pretty strict cardio, wieghts, and
most importantly (80%) diet.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 29, 2001 09:04 PM

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i too hate running, though im not that bad at it.

try cycling, boxing, rowing (machines) or one of those new fangled elliptical trainers (my gym hasn't got one yet )

i hate steppers as its like running exept 10x less productive

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 29, 2001 09:27 PM

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In a really perfect world, you could, but this is not a perfect world. What I mean is take a "wonder pill" and get ripped w/ abs. I am in the same limbo now. I put on tons of mass on my last cycle and I eat anything in site. I drink hella of beer and love pizza. You may think I am crazy but I love to eat (who does not?) Anyway, I do cardio 3-4 times per week. I do weight training about 4 times per week. I have the right training, but I lack the diet. Like someone said before me, diet is the MAIN key to getting ripped. You want abs to show like never before, and have under 8-6% bodyfat you have to eat right.

Below is a sample diet that would work great to rip up, provided you stuck to it. This is my problem, sticking to a diet..

Every 3 hours eat 1 chicken brest, 4 times a day.

For breakfast, eat NOTHING. Do cardio first thing with a good E/C/A stack. Wait about 1 hour after cardio to eat.

So you will not get bored with the chicken diet, mix it up with eggs and other low carb meat that is high in protien.

Remember to have a cheat day once a week, very small. Eat a hambuger

Cardio should be atleast 30 min 4 days a week, if not more. I remember doing cardio 6 days a week twice in a day, before breakfast and in between lunch and dinner.

You will be happy with your body in about 2 months. Long time, but only way to do it. Good diet, lots of cardio, high protien, weights and again DIET.

Good luck, I know I will need it. I am trying out for a male dancer job soon, so I need to get ripped.

I wish I had more pain killers.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 30, 2001 12:25 PM

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I'm not a big fan of running either, but there are plenty of alternatives to running as far as cardio exercises. As someone above said, many gyms have rowing machines, stationary cycles, eliptical trainers, skip rope, etc. Even a moderately-paced walk will do your body good. If nothing else, take a walk around the neighborhood if you're in a warm area, or hop on the treadmill after lifting for a 20 minute walk at an incline. Another recent fav of mine is to walk down the stairs from the 22nd floor in my building and walk back up. It really kicks my butt, but doesn't make me sweaty or smelly for the rest of my work day. It's very difficult to lose fat strictly through diet without starving your body and without gaining it all back through the rebound effect.

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Posts: 3
Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 01, 2001 09:34 PM

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Man, it's possible but cripes, it'll take a long ass time depending on how much fat you want to lose here...Just motivate yourself to do cardio, and go keto for a month or so, however long it takes. Not only will the whole routine mentally challenge you and give you a nice lesson in self discipline and determination, but you will get results you want, and get there whole lot quicker. Kick yourself in the ass NOW.

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johnny iron

Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:chicago, il
Registered: Nov 2000

posted February 01, 2001 09:44 PM

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It can be done with careful planning. ECA wouldn't hurt either. Here's something you might want to look into. Go to and type the words German Body Comp in the search field. It'll take you to the German Body Composition diet, the one also in Charles Poliquins book "Manly Fat Loss". It is a workout program that doesn't require aerobics and manipulates the body's growth hormone output to help you reduce bodyfat. After reading the workout, you'll see that it's sort of an aerobic weight workout, for instance, little or no rest between work sets. I've known a few people who have tried it with great results. I haven't tried it yet, but my bodyfat has been floating at 9% or less for quite some time now, so fat loss isn't my main priority. Charles claims a .5% reduction in fat loss per WEEK without a change to your current diet by following this program. Give it a shot.

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