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  The Ketogenic diet - does it really work?

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Author Topic:   The Ketogenic diet - does it really work?

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 172
From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 18, 2001 08:00 AM

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Ok I believe someone else has already trashed the Ketogenic diet and I know I am probably going to get flamed for bringing this up, but does it really work for anyone who is not using drugs like GH, ECA, T3 etc.

Does anyone remember the WBF and their failed attempt at creating a drug free bodybuilding contest? The bodybuilders that tried to do it drug free lost amazing amounts of mass. In some cases bodybuilders who used to compete at 230 � 240 LB�s ripped before joining the WBF, were competing at a fat 180 � 190 LB�s after joining the WBF.

Does anyone remember the diet that a lot of these guys were using to compete naturally? Yes you guessed it the Ketogenic diet. So on the ketogenic diet these guy�s got a lot smaller and a lot fatter.

The main theory behind the ketogenic diet is that during the first 5 days your body converts from burning carbs to burning fat. How? Well it was theorised that your body starts producing more natural GH in the high fat stage, which in turn helps you burn fat and maintain muscle mass at the same time.

There are a few flaws in this theory though.

1. - High fat diets do not increase your GH output they totally blunt your GH output. Only high protein, low fat diets really increase GH.

2. - GH does f**k all without insulin, it is the combination of GH and Insulin that leads to your body producing IGF-1 which is the true muscle builder.

3. � Without carbs your liver reduces it�s output of T3 so your metabolising slows down and you start to get fat very fast.

OK someone explain to me how the f**k they succeeded, drug free, in reducing their body fat on the ketogenic diet, when all these WBF bodybuilders failed + they where under medical supervision when they were on the ketogenic diet.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 18, 2001 10:14 PM

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to me its just your words versus theirs'(the keto-ists). except they sometimes have some sort of proof to back it up and i have heard of them. got any evidence for 1-3, im not saying your wrong.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 19, 2001 05:25 AM

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Ok Px1138 you want some proof.

Well take my first point about fat blunting GH output, this I have read in quite a few places, but what brought it back to my attention was an article about Niacin.

Basically Niacin can dramatically increase natural GH levels, but when you take Niacin with a high fat meal you get little or no increase in GH.

Also I think you should read this:

If you want me to dig up some more info then I will.

You see Px1138 a lot of the Personal trainers and people who come up with these diets, try them out on bodybuilders who are already using large amounts of drugs.

As a personal trainer from a Golds Gym in the States put it to me, while he was describing a top pro bodybuilder who I had observed in the gym training with no greater intensity than anyone else there. �You have got to realise them guy�s are using so much drugs it doesn�t matter what way they train or diet they are still going to get big.

So when some personal trainer or top bodybuilder tells you �well my clients or, I have made great gains on this diet or that training routine,� ask them how much drugs they or their clients are taking? Then just watch how fast they go from being a nutritional/training expert to, I don�t want to talk to you anymore.

Is no one else going to argue with me?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 19, 2001 06:52 AM

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I'll have proof that it DOES work in a few weeks for you (hopefuly)
I dont take any drugs at all.
Just ECA before I workout.
Stay tuned

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 19, 2001 04:17 PM

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I know far better than to 'argue' with you MadMitch. But I think you may be comparing apples to oranges here. In the WBF sitch, those poor guys were using a keto diet while coming off their AS. They're gonna lose a lot of mass and gain fat no matter what diet they use. It's the loss of gear, not the keto that you should blame. It is not fair to compare their results to a lifetime natural bodybuilder (even though you don't believe they exist) who is merely using a keto diet to shed some fat without losing too much muscle.

As for the theories you put forward as to why a keto diet won't work, as my boss is very fond of saying "it may work in practice, but it won't work in theory".

With or without elevated GH, insulin or IGFs it is a FACT that FFAs increase in the blood, of people in ketosis. This should make it clear that these people are burning fat as a fuel source. And thyroid output does decrease when you're in ketosis, but the periodic carb-loading periods (on a CKD) are designed to partly ameliorate this.

Now you know by now that I'm not a fan of keto diets personally. But I do not believe that every person that's had good results on a keto diet was lying through their teeth about being 'natural'. I just think it works better for some than for others.

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johnny iron

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posted January 19, 2001 08:40 PM

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Hell yeah it works!! I'm not going to get into any scientific mumbo jumbo (dont have my keto books handy:-)
It's the only diet for me where I can get below 8 percent bodyfat. To many in here 7 percent may seem like childs play, but I'm one of those people who hasn't really mastered carb manipulation. Anyway, I know even if I baloon up to 12 percent (damn holidays), I can drop down to 9 in about 4 or 5 weeks. If I add in a thermogenic, I do it in 4 or less. So for fat loss, yeah, a keto diet will work if followed correctly. You CANT cheat!! You have to be very careful. I have never used AS before, and don't plan to until I'm at least 30 (just turned 26). There's also some tricks to minimize muscle loss while on it, but that's a whole other post.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 19, 2001 09:44 PM

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Madmitch, I respect your opinion here, and no one should flame you for giving your thouhghts on this matter. Difference in opinions are what makes these boards strong and interesting.

There are a few things that I would like to comment on though. When you mention "ketogenic diet", is this with a weekly carb-up? or is it a straight ketogenic diet like the Atkin's diet? There is a big difference between the 2. I don't know exactly what kind of "ketogenic diet" the WBF had been following (even under the medical attention that was given, which doesn't really mean much) but to base the diet on the results of these athletes, is kind of misleading. Anyone who quits using anabolics will eventually lose what they gain no matter what diet they follow (even when drugs like clomid etc. are used). Did they follow a CKD or a straight ketogenic diet? What year did this take place? I can't remember exactly. The reason I say this is because, I don't know if the weekly carb-up was even practiced at this time.

I will agree with you in that these diets are not built for mass gaining. It can be done, but this is only when carbs are added in some way and total calorie intake is above maintenance. To make a mass diet using a CKD/keto diet has never made sense to me because it is so much easier to get gains when carbs are added. Plus, IGF levels are low on a CKD, which are important for growth.

I will also agree with you that a CKD will lower coversion of T4 to T3, which will slow down fat loss. BUT, I have never seen anyone stop losing fat completely on a CKD even when this occurs. I am still able to lose a lot of fat under these conditions, and so has every one that I have worked with. Also, I have not found the weekend carb-up to help much with this problem, instead I use it mainly to help repair any tissue damage that may have occured during the week in ketosis and for its use in helping with my early week training sessions. Obviously, one would have to reengage with a carb-based diet for a week or two to get their thyroid back up, but I never really find this a must do for continual fat loss.

Before I go any further, I have to say that I have used this diet scheme with and without drugs and I seem to get the same results in the end (admittedly easier with the drugs of course), which is a great deal of stubborn bodyfat loss and minimal muscle deteriation. My last CKD was a complete success. Although I am by no means as big as I was when juicin', I have learned to perform the diet to its full potential as a "natural" lifter. My last CKD (no juice, thyroid, DNP) I was able to lose 24 pounds of fat without losing a single pound of muscle. So to answer your question, YES, it is effective for people that are not under the use of juice, etc...and I have a lot of friends that can say the same too.

I agree with MS in that this diet is not for everyone, and I would not use it unless I was under 10% because I can achieve this with no problem anyway (although I did do it with my last one, which I was around 17% bodyfat starting out). The sole purpose of my doing this diet is for its effectiveness on losing STUBBORN BODYFAT at low bodyfat levels. Even though I am a big advocate of this diet, I will also admit that it is no more effective (or faster) at getting one from 20% to 10% than a carb-based diet (ranging from a zone/isocaloric diet to a high carb diet depending on the individual).

I think i'll stop here and see what I have written so far, and to make sure I am not getting off the topic. Take it easy man.

[This message has been edited by MR. BMJ (edited January 19, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by MR. BMJ (edited January 19, 2001).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Northern Ireland
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posted January 21, 2001 02:35 PM

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Ok MS I knew someone would come up with the fact that these WBF guy's where coming off steroids and that they where going to loose mass anyway. However the diet was not tried once by these guy's, but a number of times.

The person who experimenting with this diet on the the WBF bodybuilders was none other than Dr Mauro Dipasquale. He changed the diet several times, but still it did not seem to work, the guy's kept getting fatter and fatter. Yes ok there where a few that did get bigger and more ripped, but they where the few who knew how to beat the drugs tests. Also I would put any money on it that they where not following the ketogenic diet either.

As for the increase in FFA's in the blood: I can't see how this can be healthy in any way shape or form.

The latest research is now suggesting that too much suger in the diet is not the main cause of type 2 (adult onset) diabetes, but rather too much fat in the diet.

So maybe you are correct MS, maybe it only works for some and not for others, eg someone who is likely to be type 2 diabetic and tries the ketogenic diet would find that it does not work for them and would probably make their condition even worse.

Also consider this, I read somewhere that 3 in 5 or was it 4 in 5 American adults are believed to have symptoms of type 2 diabetes: it doesn't seem like the ketogenic diet will suit very many people.

Nasser El Sonbaty was once asked about the ketogenic diet and he basically said, why the hell would you want to increase the amount of fat you are eating when that is what you are trying to get rid of. Most pro bodybuilders and indeed most so called naturals will just increase there protein and lower there carbs when they are dieting. In Sonbaty's case he increases it to 500-600g of protein per day.

MR.BMJ I believe the WBF bodybuilders where following the CKD diet, carbing up at the weekends.

I'm still not sure what to believe, but I do know that even if I spend one or two days on the ketogenic diet, I notice an immediate increase on the fat around my waist and that puts me off it straight away. Yes I know what you are going to say: I am not giving it enough time, it takes 3 to 4 days to enter ketosis. But when you see your waist measurement go up an inch in two days and you look visible fatter in the mirror, that makes you think twice about these experts and their revolutionary diets.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 21, 2001 03:48 PM

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Some good points MadMitch.

Type 2 diabetes appears to be exacerbated by the COMBINATION of high fat and high sugar intake. There is no evidence that high fat wthout the sugar is a problem. High levels of FFA may or not be good for you. All it shows is that the diet works at least as far as getting your body to burn lots of fat as a fuel source. Keep in mind that high triglyceride levels are a risk factor for your average American who is also likely to be eating a high sugar/salt diet, and doing little to no exercize. It may not be bad for you when in a ketogenic exercizing state. Much of Dr. Atkins work will have us believe this is true.

As you said yourself, you haven't given the diet a fair trial. And even 1 week isn't enough to be fair. It takes several weeks for your body to fully adapt to high fat and start burning at full blast. But then again, you may be one of those people who just don't do well on CKD.

As for the WBF guys, I don't know anything about this little experiment except for what you've written. For sure, if they had been on high dose AS for lengthy periods of time, the may have permanently lost their ability to gain significant mass naturally. Long term AS use also reduces thyroid function, so this could have been a problem for them as far a fat-gain was concerned. This is all just speculation of course. In the end, if it don't work for ya, don't do it! And don't worry so much about what other people say. For sure there are plenty of pro and amatuer athletes that will lie about almost every aspect of their training, nutrition and supplements. So it's healthy to question everything you read from these sources.

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The Varnsen

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posted January 23, 2001 09:17 PM

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That diet can damage your health...

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 11:40 PM

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Intuitively I agree with you The Varnsen. It's not the diet for me. But there is no reliable research on CKDs that prove that they damage health, nor that it's good for your health. Caveat Emptor. If you do them for a short period of time and they help you to lose excess bodyfat (which is undeniably NOT good for your health), then they may be fine. But I have learned one important lesson from these boards (maybe the only one). Most Bodybuilders do not put their health ahead of how they look or how much they can lift. Ya know what I'm saying? Beauty at any cost.......

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Posts: 2
From:Sunny Isles, FL, USA
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posted January 23, 2001 11:42 PM

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The key to using a ketone diet, one low in carbs and high in protein, is to cycle it. For the first 3 days eat 70g of carbs ea. day, for the next 3 days eat 200g. Protein should be near 170 to 190g per day. Calories around 1500. (I am a female-males adjust accordingly). Continue to cycle until you get as ripped as you like. It works and it works fast. Within 2 weeks I was seeing striations/etc. I did not take any drugs except ephedra. To ensure that you do not loose muscle mass it is key to buy yourself some Ketostix test strips and do a urine test daily. This will assess what level of ketosis you are in. Ketones are present in the urine as a by product of fat metabolism. However, if you get too far into ketosis you will start to loose muscle mass. When testing your urine you want a slight to moderate reading for your level of ketosis. If you go beoynd that then add a few carbs to your diet.
Worked for me.

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The Varnsen

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posted January 24, 2001 09:09 AM

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Yea i know don�t talk to bodybuilders about health...

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Cool Novice

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posted February 15, 2001 05:42 PM

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I'm assuming the reference to the WBF is from Dan Duchaine's BodyOpus or DiPasqaule's Anabolic Diet book, those are the only 2 references I've seen about the situation where they were taken off steroids and put on the Anabolic Diet. I'm interested in knowing more info, how did u get the info that they all lost so much weight and got fatter. I'm not doubting it, just asking. I'm also curious to know who was 1st, DiPasquale or Duchaine, with the diet. Both have claimed they were 1st to come up with the CKD. The Anabolic Diet book says 1995 and BodyOpus 1st printing is March 1966. What's everyone's opinion on DiPasquale and his diet? I was at a Charles Poliquin seminar, who's opinion I greatly respect, and he says Dr. DiPasquale is the most intellingent man he's ever met. And he has 1000's of references and studies on his computer. I'm assuming he know's what he's talking about when it comes to nutrition. But like he says in his updated METABOLIC DIET book, no diet works for everyone. I know he's right and the idea of finding the minimum amount of carbs to function properly seems sensible. Right know I'm sticking w/ his Anabolic Diet, and may adjust if necessary depending on how I look/feel.

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Cool Novice

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posted February 15, 2001 05:47 PM

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1996, not 1966, sorry about that. You guys think this is a livable diet? hope so b/c I'd like to stick with it for a long time. One thing that's puzzled me 4 ever, DiPasquale claims the Anabolic Diet isn't Ketogenic, and that Ketosis means you haven't fully adapted to the diet. Read it in an interview over at T-Mag long time ago. Anyway, everyone knows anything below 100g carbs a day is Ketogenic, why would he say that? Maybe he means that u wont be excreting Ketones from the urine, but they must be present based on my readings of Lyle McDonald's book.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 15, 2001 07:55 PM

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Hmmm sounds a bit like word play. You certainly don't have to be excreting large amounts of ketones to be on a ketogenic diet. If you're taking in fewer calories than you burn you should not be excreting very many ketones (unless you're not drinking enough water or measure them first thing in the morning). But he's correct in the sense that it takes 2-3 weeks straight without carbs before the brain adapts to using ketones as it's fuel source. Because of the regular carb-ups on CKD/anabolic diets your brain never reaches this stage of adaptation. Since ketones are always floating around to a greater or lesser extent no matter what you eat, brain adaptation is probably a more meaningful definition from a medical standpoint, but not from a fat-loss standpoint.

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Big Worm

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posted February 15, 2001 07:55 PM

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A diet can be Ketogenic without having to enter ketosis. With limited carbohydrates in the diet, your body will start breaking down fat cells and making ketone bodies to be used as fuel. This is not ketosis. Ketosis occurs when a significant amount of these ketone bodies start accumulating in the blood and begin to spill over into the urine. So, you can be breaking down sustantial amounts of fat without ever entering ketosis.

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Cool Novice

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posted February 21, 2001 10:04 PM

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I think alot of people are forgetting to include the basic thermodynamics of the situation.
fat calorie loss = calorie intake - calorie expenditure
You can't just eat 10 pounds of ground beef per day and expect to lose weight. The reason why the high fat diet works so well is that the increased fat works to sustain appetite. And for many bacon and chicken wings isn't on a diet and therefor enjoyable to the dieter.
But I firmly believe that a weekend carb-up is necessary after a full body glycogen depleting workout to perserve muscle mass. How long you continue the carb up determines how much you will lsoe...

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