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  Frustrated, any suggestions?

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Author Topic:   Frustrated, any suggestions?

Cool Novice

Posts: 20
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 15, 2001 09:52 PM

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Man I have been hitting it hard for 2 weeks now, cardio 2 times a day, lifting 6 days a week, eating right. I am trying to drop weight and so far nada, zip. This sucks.

I'm not fat, I'm just big boned!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted January 15, 2001 10:52 PM

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First of all, that's WAY too much exercise for just about anybody. Is this supposed to be a crash diet to lose muscle??

Second of all, it would be very helpful to know what, if any diet you're following, and a bit more about your weight and cardio training, your goals, and how long you've been at it. Weight, height and %bodyfat are also good to know.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 15, 2001 11:12 PM

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You are overtraining!!! WOW, slow down. Also like MS said what is your stats. You should not be in the gym 6 days a week. More is Not Better! What is your weight routine like? If you are working out properly and very intense you should not be able to train that many days. TOO much cardio too! Post a sample diet, you may be eating the wrong things etc. Give some more info

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Cool Novice

Posts: 20
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 16, 2001 01:57 PM

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Well, I am 6'1 280lbs and 30 yrs old. I am following the diet for Body for life, but using my own training routine. I do eliptical for 30 min in the morning and at night I do one body part of lifting (Shoulders, Chest, Back, Bis, Tris) per day and follow up with another 30 min of eliptical. Is this too much? I can remember back to my wrestling days when 2 a days would just strip the fat off.

Thanks for your help

I'm not fat, I'm just big boned!!

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da big thinker

Cool Novice

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posted January 16, 2001 02:49 PM

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as far as one body part/day...this is good.your cardio on the other hand is too much beleive it or not.i have achieved a very low bf%(6%) year round by doing 2 15 min sessions of any cardio related equipment!must be intense though...none of this laid back cardio stuff for countless "deadhead" addition,go to your local bookstore and purchase THE ZONE DIET by BARRY SEARS.this has worked wonders for me and countless others,wishing to shed fat!!!pls describe your training as well,as far as sets/reps/split,etc.this will help as well...also,there's no such as overtraining if you "feel" you can handle the load.

if you don't like it,get the fuck out!

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Cool Novice

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posted January 16, 2001 04:01 PM

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For major muscle groups, (chest, shoulders, legs) I do 4 differnt exesises per muscle, (like bench, incline, flys, pec deck)in sets of 12, 10, 8, 4, 4, 2 increasing weight each set. For minors I do 4 sets of 8.

I'm not fat, I'm just big boned!!

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da big thinker

Cool Novice

Posts: 45
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 16, 2001 04:15 PM

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in my opinion,your w-out schedule looks o.k.;i would get rid of flyes,pec deck and exercises such as leg ext's,etc.concentrate on compund movements like bench press,deadlifts,military press,bb curls,close grip bench,etc(you get the point).at one point,i was losing bf quickly when doing compound movements because of the way they tax our doing these types of movements you sweat,sweat and sweat some more.don't worry about "shaping" your including cardio as you do,you will get leaner and your muscle "detail" will show itself.for example,i never work my abs and yet i have a six pack...all i did was train heavy,2 15 min cardio sessions/day and the zone diet.try it and let me know if you need some help by e-mailing me.enjoy!

if you don't like it,get the fuck out!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 165
From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 16, 2001 04:32 PM

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I hate to disagree but it is possible to OVERTRAIN!! Your body needs rest in order to recover. Your muscles do not grow in the gym while you are lifting weights and you have a big pump in your arms......Its when you go home and Its all about recovery. People spend way to much time in the gym and are getting no where. And if you are training that intense and hitting your bod hard, you should not physically be able to workout that much! I would do cardio 4-5 days a week at most for 30-45 minutes and use different machines to mix it up and keep your body guessin

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Cool Novice

Posts: 20
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 16, 2001 05:18 PM

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Thanks for the info guys. I do agree that it is possible to overtrain, however I am not new at lifting. I played professional football for 2 years on the offensive line so getting big and strong has never been an issue. Now that I have been retired for 6 years I feal I am just to heavy to live life like this. There is no reason to be 280lbs. Strength wise I have droped a lot, and can only bench about 360 or so. I don't really want to loose anymore strength, but I do want to drop down to about 230 or so and see how I feel.

Because I am training a differnt muscle each day could I still be overtraining?


I'm not fat, I'm just big boned!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1146
From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted January 16, 2001 07:39 PM

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With all the exercise you're doing, I would strongly suspect that your diet is what needs fixing. I wonder if you can tell us EXACTLY what you eat, including how many carbs, proteins, fats, total calories. I know everyone already knows this, but to lose weight you HAVE to have a calorie deficit, and if you're NOT losing weight then you need to look closely at your diet. As you age your metabolism is not what it used to be, so just because a particular diet and exercise program worked for you when you were at college, that doesn't mean it will work now. Body For Life is not a bad guide, but the diet side of it needs adjusting for each individual.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 20
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posted January 16, 2001 09:00 PM

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Well I usually eat 3 meals a day and 2 supplement meals, (ie protien drink, protien bar.) Typical meals have been a can of tuna with a salad, Turkey breast, salad, green beans. Turkey breast sandwich, tuna salad with no fat mayo. Skinless chicken breast sandwich (always wheat bread) I really have cut all fried foods and am trying to eat what seems to be "healthy". Granted I have only been at it for about two weeks or so, I seem to feal like I have lost weight but the scale says differnt.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 165
From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 16, 2001 09:40 PM

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Try eating 6-7 meals a day. Eat chicken breast plain, no sandwich. Turkey, lean sirloin, lean meat (90-95%). With your meals eat rice, baked potato, oatmeal. Also try Flax seed oil, very good for you, essential fat and good for lean body mass. Eat your veggies You need to eat, but eat clean. Drink at least 2 gallons of water every day as well. Your weight training could be broken up differently so you wouldn't be in the gym 6 days a week. Possibly chest/biceps, back/tris, legs, shoulders/traps. Hit each bodypart really heavy one week and light the next week. Play around with it and see what works for you!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1146
From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted January 16, 2001 11:33 PM

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OK, but you still haven't told us how many calories, carbs, protein or fat per day or per meal. Please don't tell me you're not counting calories because this is essential when you're starting out. It is sooooo easy to eat too many calories (if you're like me) even if you're eating nothing but super clean foods. And I would also like to know your sodium intake (in other words, how much of your food is whole or 'natural' versus processed??). And also what are you ratios of carbs:fat rotein for each individual meal?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:New Jersey
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 16, 2001 11:55 PM

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Sounds crazy to me. I mean you sound like you know what your doing. Eating right, working out, doing cardio. Unless you are eating a lot of calories - all that exercise will burn a lot! - you definately should be losing weight.

Heres a few ideas:

Make sure you weigh yourself each morning on an empty stomach. Also try taking some measurements of your body, and maybe a "before" picture.

Also it could be that you are putting on muscle as fast as you are losing fat? There are times where my body composition has changed a lot, with my weight staying the same, +/- a pound, even with a small calorie defecit. This, in me, I think was due to muscle memory.

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da big thinker

Cool Novice

Posts: 45
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 17, 2001 08:31 AM

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new@getting big,i respect the fact that you disagree about overtraining...but as i stated,if your body CAN handle it,then why call it overtraining.each individual is different and therefore this applies to the theory of you think that with less exercise this individual will lose more weight???as i stated b4,if your body can handle it,then it ain't's up to the individual to determine his own limits.if you don't "feel" overtrained then you're not...whether you're training 7 days week or 3 days,
ps:mr tader...i agree w/ bsmooth and ms on this one...something must not be right w/ the diet...perhaps you need to fine tune it???the zone friend.try it.

if you don't like it,get the fuck out!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted January 17, 2001 02:19 PM

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It is definitely possible that you're gaining muscle while losing fat, so your weight is staying the same. Even so, this indicates that you haven't hit a calorie deficit yet with your diet. However, with all the cardio you're doing I would be surprised if you're gaining that much muscle. Wouldn't it be great if that was what was happening! Getting your %bodyfat monitored is the only way you can judge this.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 82
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 19, 2001 10:28 AM

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excuse me if i read wrong, but you do a body part / day man? then you aint overtraining.
But to save ya time, for eg.

1: do back and biceps
2: legs
3: chest, tris, shoulders
The rest of the days, include MORNING cardio on an empty stomach and some water/coffee/and or eca stack (search for it).
This should get you ripped .
Dont cheat man.
Keep your carbs low, below 50 but above say 30.
Avoid carbs after MAXIMUM 6pm.
Rest of meals eat only chicken breasts etc, without the loaves of bread.
hope this helped.

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