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  enough protein?

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Author Topic:   enough protein?


Posts: 3
From:Estherville,Iowa U.S.A.
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 13, 2001 05:01 PM

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i am new to this weightlifting thing, i try to eat 5-6 meals a day,each meal is mainly protein. example: 7a.m.- cereal w/skim milk 10:30A.M.- Protein shake
1:30p.m.- 2 chicken breasts(grilled)w/1c.veggies
4:30p.m.-protein shake w/ 1doz. egg whites(post-workout)
6-7p.m.- meat,veggies,little to no carbs.9-10p.m.-protein shake how's that sound for protein intake daily? any suggestions?
I weigh 206,trying to lose some x-tra fat, but get more muscle! any help with supps. would be greatly appreciated!!- redskinfan

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 242
Registered: May 2000

posted January 13, 2001 06:46 PM

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I would drop the cereal w/skim milk for first meal replace it w/egg whites and a yolk or two and a bowl of oatmeal...then add protein shake 2hrs.w/flax oil(for your essential fats) dont have any fats in your diet..
post wkt. is a good time to eat that bowl of cereal,banana ...
add some brown rice to your chicken breast and veggies...and maybe add a yam w/your need complex carbs in your diet for energy..
Try to stick w/tuna, oatmeal, yams, chicken breast, brown rice, veggies, lean red meats, eggwhites (mix w/one yolk),
Try to eat at least 5 meals and add maybe 2or 3 protein shakes in there w/some flax..

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 395
From:Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 13, 2001 10:28 PM

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Because you sound like you want to ditch some fat, I think that the low carbs you are taking in are a good thing, and I would not add any more. All I would do is shuffle the order of your meals so that your high glycemic skim milk/cereal comes AFTER [within one hour] your workout.

For example:


[1] 7:30am
1 scoop protein, 1 tbs. flax oil
25g protein, 5g carbs, 15g fat

[2] 10:30am
2 chicken breasts, 1 cup veggies
60g protein, 15g carbs, 10g fat

[3] 12:30
1 dozen egg whites, 1 apple or bannana
total:45g protein, 30g carbs, 3g fat

workout 3:00 to 4:00

[4] 4:30 (post-workout meal)
2 cups skim milk, 1 scoop protein, 1 serving cold cereal (they all have similar carbs/calories, so pick a tasty one like frosted flakes - just eat whatever measure the serving is)
45g protein, 65g carbs, 3g fat

[5] 6:30 (follow-up to the post-workout meal, so that you don't get a crash in blood sugar and rise in cortisol - have it sooner than 2 hours after the p-w meal if you feel like you're going to crash)
200g (cooked) lean steak and 1 cup veggies
60g protein, 15g carbs, 20g fat

[6] 9:30
1 scoop protein
25g protein, 5g carbs, 2g fat

260g protein
135g carbs
53g fat
2057 kcal

All the values are approximate, but this diet should give you enough carbs to sustain workouts without going overboard, enough protein to support recovery, and enough fat so as not to compromise your natural testosterone production. The calories are set pretty low at around 10 x bodyweight, but they're by no means at starvation-levels. Once your fat goes down, you can start adding more to bulk up if that becomes your goal.

[This message has been edited by vlaovic (edited January 13, 2001).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1060
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 14, 2001 01:15 AM

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Originally posted by redskinfan:
i am new to this weightlifting thing, i try to eat 5-6 meals a day,each meal is mainly protein. example: 7a.m.- cereal w/skim milk 10:30A.M.- Protein shake
1:30p.m.- 2 chicken breasts(grilled)w/1c.veggies
4:30p.m.-protein shake w/ 1doz. egg whites(post-workout)
6-7p.m.- meat,veggies,little to no carbs.9-10p.m.-protein shake how's that sound for protein intake daily? any suggestions?
I weigh 206,trying to lose some x-tra fat, but get more muscle! any help with supps. would be greatly appreciated!!- redskinfan

WTF!?!?! NO CARBS post-workout, damn you are a newbie brotha. you need AT-LEAST 100 grams of carbs after a hardcore workout, but probably more.

always include carbs in each meal, except right before bed. casienate protein with a little flax oil is best.

the 1g per lb of bodyweight is enough protein. by not including carbs in most of your meals you will slow your metabolism. ketosis isn't and never was meant to be a method of long term weight reduction.

count calories.

"I must not fear, fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
"the hardest most painful rep is the easiest to remember."

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 62
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 14, 2001 05:50 PM

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im gonna get flamed for this one, but a real great newbie book is Body For Life
by Bill Phillips.
Results are guaranteed...although his company is a ripping off scam.

If you really wanna get hardcore look into Arnolds, but only after Bill Phillip's book. You can find it at

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