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  diet changes?

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big calvin

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 66
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 11, 2001 08:11 PM

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ok i have a question that may not be the norm for you guys. i needed to know if i should be changing my diet every now and then if im very obese? cause i mean i see that you guys are mostly lena so you can just diet acouple of weeks and get leaner and not really think about it, but what if im dieting for like years? cause well im 430-440 lbs at 52-54% body fat. and im 17 years old. im have tried low carbs but cant stick to it more then a like 2 days. i know i have like 200 pounds of muscle and i already have a large amount of strength off the bat, but i need to know if a high carb (50%) is ok for me long term?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 11, 2001 08:24 PM

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You should consume moderate carbs but not 50% of your diet. Try cutting out things like soda, fast food, and anything really high in fat. Those little things add up and over time you will see a difference. Low carbs is very hard to do for any period of time. You have to learn to control yourself and look at eating as not for enjoyment but for a means to an end. You should consume carbs but make sure they are complex and try not eating them after 4 pm. Drink tons of water!! Eat several small meals throughout the day, consisting of chicken breast, green beans, salads, lean meat, tuna, turkey, fruits, veggies,etc. protein bars are also a great snack and make ya feel like you are treating yourself to a candy bar. It is hard and a tough road, be persistent and dont give up and set reasonable goals for yourself. keep a journal of what you eat daily and look over it and watch for things that could be added or taken out of your diet.

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big calvin

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 11, 2001 08:51 PM

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thanks bro, do you think body for life is what your talking about? i have the book but was told from a anti-bill phillips guy that the book was crap and all he wants is money . i do not agrea with that guy and think the diet is very basic( like larry norths north american slim down) and i do think i can do that. like a portion of protein and 12 portion of complex carbs. and let the fat take care of its thing is i eat out alot, so when i do try to eat good i get things like chicken pitas, chicken sandwhichs, sirloin steak and corn, chicken and corn, and thtings like that or also i eat alot of subway. this is ok? thanks again m,an, you dont know how much just writing helps me to get motivated .

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 11, 2001 09:02 PM

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No problem, when you eat out get things like a grilled chicken platter with green beans. Eating out is ok but cooking your own food is better because they add so much stuff and it is harder to eat healthy when eating out. Prepare your own meals the night before, I always do this. It keeps you from eating just anything if you are in a hurry. Which is most of the time. Motivation is the key Read these boards and learn. Let it be your motivation. You have to do it yourself though, no one else can do it for you. And you have to stick to it and make it your lifestyle. Its hard and takes a lot of work but it builds character as well. Goodluck and keep posting!!

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johnny iron

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posted January 11, 2001 09:25 PM

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I agree with new@gettinbig. Remember to be consistent. Dieting is not easy, but quite honestly, it really isn't that hard either. I never had a high BF percentage (maybe 15), but i knew this guy at a gym I worked out with who did. The gym owner took him "under his wing". The guy came in never having worked out, and the gym owner would tell him how often and which bodyparts to work out. He did. He started modifying his diet (a la Phillips). But, instead of using expensive myoplex, he just bought the cheapest MRP's, and no other supplements. Food, MRP's and lots of water. This guy came in the gym looking fat (at least 30%), after about 6 or 7 months, my friends and I noticed his arms were getting some damn good shape, his waist was much smaller. His bodyfat was now easily under 20, and this whole time he said he didn't use any fatburners and did little cardio. Just dieted and trained. That's all you need to do. Over time, throw in some cardio, but not too much. I think you'll be please with the results. Look at the long haul, don't rush, think of next year not next week. And, post on the boards, someone can always give you some advice. Hope this helps in some way.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:san jose
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 11, 2001 10:10 PM

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ive seen the body for life book(skimmed through it,) its reminest of a 90's excercise booklet,thats just my opinion from the 5 minutes i looked threw,others might disagree

i wouldnt say its bad,but it isnt any better than books u can get from the library or online for free,actually i got body-for-life book at the library

[This message has been edited by chillin408 (edited January 11, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by chillin408 (edited January 11, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by chillin408 (edited January 11, 2001).]

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big calvin

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 66
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 11, 2001 10:21 PM

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thanks guys.

i think ill give that way of eating a try. i may not do the training style of BP cause i like more HIT and dorian yates type training.
now that i pretty much know what im going to eat, i do take supplements and alot of i take :
muli-vitamins( dieters multi)
digestive enzymes
and some times i take an eca or clen
and also sometimes i take a glutamin peptide/creatine post workout lower carb powder

thanks again guys, you've helped out alot.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:san jose
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 12, 2001 12:49 AM

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what has your diet been like over the past few years?? and how much cardio have u done over the past few years,be honest,i am just asking so i can give u a better answer

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Cool Novice

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Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 12, 2001 03:23 AM

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I have been using a zone type diet and very happy with the results. I do not believe in high carb diets. After dropping most cars (high GI) I have become a true believer.

I treat myself to something really good every weekend, and mid week snacks with good fats like avacado and trying to make it a lifestyle change instead of a definate "diet" process will make it easier.
You should not think " I have been on a diet for years", instead think "I will eat like this forever"...

It;s like the 6 meal a day plan, when you know you get food soon the wait is not that bad. Same with a treat.

I like the zone tricks, keep them in mind:

you don't have to eat everything that is served to you

any meal over 500 calories (accept post workout) will most likely go to fat, regardless of macro nutrient spread. Go for 6 smaller meals to allow the body to assimilate more nutrients and keep metabolism high working on all that food.

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big calvin

Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 12, 2001 08:42 AM

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the past copuple of years have been bad, i norm. eat at each meal-1 pound chicken,2-3 cups white rice-1 pound steak,3 cups corn-4 hams and cheese sandwhiches-ect.

and do you think the zone is ok with all that fruit? like i have that book also and the only thing is i dont eat veggies. so if i where to do that i can only eat fruits and oats.


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Cool Novice

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Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 12, 2001 09:03 AM

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This board has helped me a ton. One thing I really agree with is that it is a lifestyle change, not a diet. I think 80% of weightloss is attitude. If you can make up your mind and say I am tired of living like this, I feel like crap, I have no energy/tierd all the time this helps alot. This borad is very good with alot of people here Cal that have been in your shoes. Don't think of it as being 100 or 200lbs you need to loose, break it up into smaller goals like 10lbs by the end of the month etc.

Keep posting and hang in there bro.

I'm not fat, I'm just big boned!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 12, 2001 09:17 AM

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Make sure you are eating less at each meal!! Eating 6 small meals througout the day. Try to eat veggies, they are good for you and they aren't so bad once you get used to them. Try all this for a week and write down everything you eat, what time etc. Post a sample diet in a week or two so we can give you some more solid advice. Its hard but if you have support it makes it so much easier. Goodluck

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:san jose
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 12, 2001 04:38 PM

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if uve been doing that and unsatisfied with the results u should change,maybe reduce calories or carbs or both

what is the zone diet,is it 40/30/30 ?what else does it invovle,just wondering cuz i saw a bunch a zone books and i looked threw them,but i had limited time that day,and couldnt get a basic description that day or what the diet is like,someone told me its 40c/30p/30f like the balence bar

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Posts: 3
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 13, 2001 05:24 AM

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Being very obese, your first concern should be to simply start moving your body. Any exercise at this point will drastically reduce your weight. Start out with some basic walking around your neighborhood or local running track. Anything that you can do to make you sweat and purge some of those dirty toxins out of your body will do wonders.

The diet aspect has to be a major part of your overall plan, as well. Regarding the low carb/no carb aspect, I definetly would not go this route now. You should see drastic results by merely eating "pure" foods. These are natural, unprocessed foods which you your body is designed to run on. When your at the grocery store, shop only on the outer areas of the store. All the basic foods you will need will be in the produce, and meat sections which are always located in these regions of the store layout. A great way to know if you should eat something, is to look at the ingredients and if the list contains over 5 items, put it down. True "pure" foods will never have multiple ingredients in them. Best of luck.


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big calvin

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 66
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 13, 2001 11:57 AM

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thanks everyone. im going to post back in 4 weeks and let you know how im doing.

thanks again

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted January 13, 2001 04:23 PM

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I just wanted to congratulate you on your quest for a better body...It is very hard (especially at first) to make changes in your diet but eventually you will get use to eating healthy...I dont think that Body For Life is bad..It is great for someone who doesnt know all that much about dieting, exercise, etc..its a good place to start...Make sure you are exercising along w/your diet --- it will keep you motivated to eat right!! Good Luck to you!

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