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  Advice on cutting up?

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Posts: 3
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 10, 2001 02:36 PM

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I am a 22 yr old male, I am 6'1" and around 245. I would like to lose some of the weight (approx 20-30 lbs) but i am having trouble trying to figure out what the best way is. I do go to the weight room at my college around 2-3 times a week and try to do as much cardio as possible, but due to my asthema, I can not do this for long periods of time. I did have some success with the Atkins Diet, but I find it very hard to stick to, and the results do not last long, can anyone suggest any diet that will be effective, and show results quickly? Thanks all.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 10, 2001 03:03 PM

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I am a 22 yr old male, I am 6'1" and around 245. I would like to lose some of the weight (approx 20-30 lbs) but i am having trouble trying to figure out what the best way is. I do go to the weight room at my college around 2-3 times a week and try to do as much cardio as possible, but due to my asthema, I can not do this for long periods of time. I did have some success with the Atkins Diet, but I find it very hard to stick to, and the results do not last long, can anyone suggest any diet that will be effective, and show results quickly? Thanks all.

if you want to change the way your body looks, it requires permanent change in your lifestyle, otherwise you will look the same as you do now..
start weightlifting 3 times a week, if you cant do cardio, then cut calories using a ratio that works for you, (if the atkins diet worked, then by all means use that) but if you cant stick with something, it wont be a permanent part of your life and you might as well not do it in the first place...
why did you find the atkins diet hard to stick with?

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da big thinker

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posted January 10, 2001 05:18 PM

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i sympathize w/ the asthma dude...hey,go to your local bookstore and purchase THE ZONE DIET by Barry Sears.Awesome!!!Want to get cut...voila mon ami...your answer.i was ripped on this diet and hard all along the way.this diet is based on the 40-30-30 ratio of carbs-pro-fat.this works well...i go on it everytime i need to get ripped...

if you don't like it,get the fuck out!

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Posts: 3
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 10, 2001 05:26 PM

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Thanks for the advice about the zone diet. Just a couple quick questions How quickly does it work? and how hard is it to stick to? I am a college student and I do live on campus, so diets such as the atkins diet are hard to manage in the dining hall, due to the lack of selection, do you think this will be a problem? Thanks for answering

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da big thinker

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 10, 2001 05:55 PM

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you will notice a mental change immediatelly.positive and clear thinking are a plus here...especially since you're in school.depending on your current bodyfat %,you should start seeing a difference in approx 2-3 weeks.but once the fat burning process really starts,you're always in heat.get ready to "sweat" big time the book in detail and you should have absolutelly no problem following this diet.the atkins diet is hard to follow "MENTALLY" feel deprived on it.
in addition,check w/ your doctor and see if an ECA stack is permissible...i beleive it is...due to the ephedra benefits on asthma.not sure though,check w/ doctor.this will help speed up your progress.let me know if you need help bro...i'd be glad to's as hard as you make it seem.

if you don't like it,get the fuck out!

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Posts: 3
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 10, 2001 06:01 PM

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Sounds good to me. I have been taking xenadrine for a couple weeks so that should help. I just ordered "7days in the zone" by that sears guy. That should be the same thing right? I appreciate all the advice. Thanks again.

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da big thinker

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 11, 2001 07:45 AM

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same thing...there's at least 3 variations of the same any case,you got question?let me know.i have mastered this one.good luck!!!

if you don't like it,get the fuck out!

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Cool Novice

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posted January 12, 2001 03:38 AM

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I would just like to note I also am a firm believer in the zone layout. It is easy to stick to and healthier than a keto diet.

The ECAY stack, weight training, and cardio stack are the best way to better you body.

I started my diet/workout routine when a buddy of mine (who is very well built) started helping me understand diets and workout routines so I can be comfortable in a restaurant, the kitchen, and in the gym.

I am 6', and over the last 3+ months I have gone from 215 to 182 and I am stronger and started the first lines of my sick pack and the v shaped upper torso.

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posted January 24, 2001 02:30 PM

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to Da Big Thinker and TNS, who used the Zone to get ripped. I have the book but how do you get so many carbs from fruits and vegetables. I still think that some fruits like oranges can still make it tough to lose fat b/c the fructose. Did you use any starches at all like Yams but keep the ratios in the Zone or eat only what the book said. I was thinking a modified version, I wanna get 1.5g prot per lb of bodyweight. Thinking 50%prot, 25%carbs and 25%fat which would be similar to the original diet except more protein. I'd also use sweet potato's for some carbs and maybe maltodextrin in the protein shakes along with fish oils to slow absorbtion and get EFA's. Any feedback apprecieated.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 24, 2001 06:25 PM

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Now I'm probably gonna run out and buy that 'zone diet' book. That sounds like something a little easier to stick with, than some of the other ratios that I've heard. Think it'll work good for a girl?

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da big thinker

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 25, 2001 08:49 AM

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the zone diet works for everyone and really doesn't deprive you of anything.if i were you i would stick w/ the ratios presented in the book.i basically couldn't handle all that fruit either.i swallowed my pride and got all of my carbs from broccolli,maltodextrim and large ass fats came from the sources stated in the book(almonds,macadamia nuts,olive oil,etc).my protein came from lean meats and whey isolate.stick with it and give it a chance b4 you start playing around w/ ratios.
this diet made me stronger as well and while i lowered my bf%,i still trained heavy and increased my poundages.i actually got bigger and leaner on this diet!!!it works...i had never seen my abs until i started this not only can i see my abs,but i can see striations in my lower back,glutes and hams...and we all know how hard this is to accomplish;right?give it a fair try and i am sure you won't be dissapointed.

if you don't like it,get the fuck out!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 25, 2001 02:12 PM

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Thank you for your response. I'm looking for a diet that I can use to diet down for competition (fitness). I really want to find one that will keep energy levels up and won't be completely hell to follow. I have two months to find one I like. I'm going to check out that book when I have the chance.

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da big thinker

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 26, 2001 10:34 AM

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fitgal...where are you from???i can help you out!what comp are you entering???i'm from canada as well.give me you stats and perhaps i can give you some sound and sage advice?let me know.

if you don't like it,get the fuck out!

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Hot Bod

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posted January 26, 2001 04:03 PM

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Guess what? I have asthma too, but I still do cardio. Is your asthma under control? Do you take your inhalers as prescribed? Or do you blow them off from time to time?

Let me tell you something. I was 240 about 30% bodyfat after a total knee replacement. I worked my ass of eating right, doing cardio at least 3 times per week for 45-60 minutes, intense interval training, and resistance training 3 -5 days a week. In 11 months I hit a low of 186 lbs, at 10.5% body fat. Today, I'm an aerobics instructor, but I still take my inhalers.

Please don't make excuses about cardio. Talk to your doctor, and see if your medications need to be changed.

Remember, anything worthwhile you will have to work for, and stick with it or you'll continue to get the same results. You know that that leads to dissapointment. Stay focused on good nutrition, 6 SMALL MEALS A DAY, A GALLON OF WATER A DAY, ALL MEALS MUST INCLUDE PROTEIN, CARBO'S AND FAT. If you develop a regimented program and stick with it your metabolic rate will skyrocket, and the fat will melt off. CONSISTENCY, IS CRITICAL, if you have a set back, don't give up. Try to live One Day At A Time. Anyone can be successful for a day. Just remember to repeate those days. Also, don't be afraid to allow yourself one day per week where you don't monitor so much. It allows for flexibility in your foods, and you don't have the guilt of cheating. You've built it into your program.

Best wishes
Hot Bod

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Cool Novice

Posts: 22
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 26, 2001 09:19 PM

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Regarding coarbs:

I eat small portions of pasta or 12 grain bread with most meals, and one of my favorite snacks is cottage cheese.
Throw in a little fruit and your set!

Stay away from refined sugar, bad GI unless used as post-workout insulin spike.... and
for that I prefer honey in my mrp.

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