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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 482
From:Detroit, Mi. (go Lions !)
Registered: Jun 2000

posted December 24, 2000 05:40 PM

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Well, on Dec. 1 I started my first cycle consisting of -

Week 1-8 Sust. 500
Week 1-5 Dbol 35 mgs.
Week 2-9 Deca 400
Week 9-12 Winny 50 ED
Week 9-12 Primo 400

Nolvas Primo Clomid - all that good stuff.
Probably hitting a week or two of DNP at the end of January.

21 years old, 5'10 183lbs 17-20% (fat ass for winter)
As of today I'm at 200 lbs. I'm holding a lot of water. I feel that my BF should start dropping a little (visually) by now but I'm impatient and unrealistic. So my diet this month was 3400 cals at 50% 35% 15%. Now I put on some weight but the point of this cycle was to add mass in the first 5-7 weeks and drop the BF in the latter.

I'm EXTREMELY carb sensitive, so after Monday i will drop the cals. to 2800-3000 and go 35-40% 40-45% 15-20%. I hope to still be able to slap on LBM while kickstarting some fat burning.

So please help me out with some comments and suggestions please!!!!!!!!


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 835
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 24, 2000 11:40 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

DNP at the end of jan. is WAY!! too soon man!!!

your 4 weeks in now, your saying hit dnp right when you finish the cycle with the primo and winny?!?!?! that is stupid.
you still will gain quite a bit yet, be more patient.

finish your cycle, and wait a month or two at least.

"I must not fear, fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
"the hardest most painful rep is the easiest to remember."

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