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  12 Week Plan To Shred

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Author Topic:   12 Week Plan To Shred

Cool Novice

Posts: 24
From:New Jersey
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 09, 2000 11:15 PM

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In 12 weeks I'm going to Cancun for spring break, so I am trying to get cut up by then. Right now I am 210 lbs and I want to lose about 10 pounds of fat by then, while simultaneously putting on about the same amount of muscle. I gain muscle easily, but its a bitch to loose fat. Is this a reasonable goal for 12 weeks of hard training? My diet everyday consists of about 2500 calories, high protetin, moderate-high carbs, and low fat. I work out 4 days a week very intensly and do about 30 minutes cardio once per week. This is what I've been doing for the last 6 weeks in an attempt to put on muscle while cutting fat. I'm also just coming off the ECA stack, because I stopped noticing any help from it. The problem is, it doesnt seem that I've been losing any fat weight for like the last month or so, even though my calories are relatively low and I've been on ECA. My plan was to go on a bulking phase for the next 6 weeks, then get back on ECA and start doing more cardio for the final 6 weeks. The problem is if I want to lose 10 pounds now, if I go on a bulking phase, I figure that will add another 5 pounds or so of fat to me. That will leave me 6 weeks to cut 15 pounds of fat while trying to preserve my muscle. Even though I gain muscle easily, I lose it pretty easy too. Is this 6/6 week the best plan? Should I bulk for 4 weeks, then cut for 8? Or bulk for 8 and cut for 4? Or should I cut now and bulk later? Any help from you guys would really be appreciated.

Maybe I'll see some of you in Cancun!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 216
From:Copenhagen, Denmark
Registered: Oct 2000

posted December 10, 2000 04:29 AM

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The answer is not so simple. I use a guideline to see if I should decrease calories when dieting. I measure my waistline every sunday or every seccond sunday. If my waist hasn't decreased with atleast half a inch i cut cals. by 500. Mostly I cut with 2000-2500 cals. But this number is very individual.
Also when cutting(trying to loose fat) you should do atleast cardio 5 times a week, sorry, but thats the way it is. Unless ofcourse u use other supplements
It's not impossible to loose fat and gain muscle at the same time, but you need to determine what your main goal is. one or the other. I think you are shooting over the top with your goals here bro, is this a long term commitement or are you gonna pig out and get fat after these 12 weeks??
Anyway, my best advice is to get a hold of som training and nutrition program, that covers everything from diet, cardio, workout to mental focus.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 46
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 15, 2000 03:26 PM

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go on a ketogenic diet the last 2 weeks for sure and lose at least 8 pounds.. so you'll shed the water and look more ripped when yer in cancun..
SHiet, I was supposed to go to cancun but 1600$$$.. too much for me..

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Cool Novice

Posts: 24
From:New Jersey
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 17, 2000 10:51 PM

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Thanks for tips guys. I like the idea of going on Keto for the last two weeks. Suck ya couldn't make it there this year bro And by the way, I have been lifting steadily for about 8 months, its was only in previous years that I was lifting on and off.. I just havent ever had to cut before, so it's a new experience for me. Any other tips are appreciated! Peace..

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Posts: 3
From:El Cajon CA USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted December 24, 2000 01:28 AM

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You got 12 weeks until cancun(call it your show)I wouldnt be trying to gain any size right now, but to come in completly shredded. Try just increasing your cardio to 5 times a week and stick to your reg. diet. At 8 weeks out try this; Eat every 2 1/2 hours for 7 times a day. Eat the same thing at every meal 4 oz. chicken breast or 1 can tuna and 2 oz of pasta(this is not your best carb source but easy to make all your food for the whole week and freeze it in baggies then just pull out what you need for the day) it sounds boring but it will be worth it. By 2 weeks out you should be pretty lean, drop the carbs to 3 times a day and add a salad mixed with flak seed oil and vinegar, It will be the best thing you ever tasted at this point. You will probably gain 10 to 15 pounds in a few days down there(for real)with all that sugar from drinking. I wouldnt do the Ketogenic diet for it tends to make your breath reek and with all the chix their, that will not be a plus. Dont step on the scale at all but trust the mirror. You are going to feel small and some people will try to bring you down by telling you that you are losing to much muscle(Dont let it stop you) When you take your shirt off at the beach it will all be worth it. Tan every 3rd day 3 weeks out. A totally shredded guy will also be looked at before the soft one. Have fun with it.

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