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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 313
Registered: Apr 2000

posted December 05, 2000 04:58 PM

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Alright, I got some good news, some bad news, and then I'll throw in a little more good news just for y'all.

Good News #1: Last night before I went to bed, I decided to test the urine, as sometimes I will find myself in ketosis by Monday night. The good old KETOSTIX showed that I was in trace ketosis, which is good.

BAD NEWS: Last night I was contemplating whether or not to keep up with this diet for the fact that I should be bulking right now. I mean, this is the best time of the year to get fat, and I think I was over-reacting to a little fat gain from my SEE-food diet. Therefore, after last nights Ketostix reading, I quit and had myself some chicken, vegetable, rice, and terriyaki bowl [sic].

NOW, BACK TO THE GOOD NEWS: I will still do the daily update column as if I were still doing the diet. I have done this so many times that I know exactly what conditions my body will be in each day, even though I am not presently doing it. I will still have questions for you smarties because as I write this stuff up, I will remember them. I know that I am not 14% bodyfat, and probably more like 9%. Also, I want to gain some size for the next times cutting phase. Last year, after being through a serious depression, drinking, etc...I was at 205 and 17% bodyfat, which means I had ~171 pounds LBM. I got down to 5% bodyfat at a weight of 183, which is actually a two lb increase from where I should have been. Also, I dieted from Feb 1st to half way through July. I was down to 6 % after 12 weeks, but I also wanted to stay that way for not only easter break, but also Memorial Weekend. I took a week off, then decided to stay on it until after 4th of July. Well, as some of you might remember, I got food poisoning in June during my finals, which by the way I still passed, and this put me off a good 2-3 weeks. About 2 weeks before the 4th of July, I started back up the diet to shed some of the little fat that had been accumulated, as well as water weight. I did this for half of July, then I finally quit. This was too long to diet!!! I would not have done it this long if I did not have all them dates in a row to satisfy. Well, around 31/2 weeks later some of you still might remember my bout of MONO, which I had a good 2- 2.5 months. I lost some serious gains here, let me tell ya, then after it was over, it took a good month just to get in the flow of things. Therefore, after all this rambling, you can see i have not really had any time to gain any NEW muscle this years besides for these last 2 months. Whew, enough of that, lets start this bastard.

Alright, Knowing all of this, this is what my typical Tuesday will look like.

DIET: Same as Monday's Diet. Here are some more meals/foods that I will incorporate in and out of my daily weekday diet.

1.) Fat ground beef mixed with taco seasonings, 2 tablespoons of ranch dressing, Real bacon bits, cheese, olives, and maybe some lettuce if I want. YUMMY.

2.) String cheese and cream cheese.

3. Egg yolks and some whole eggs either mixed or scrambled with sausage, cheese, bacon, and a little onion ans salsa.

4.) Tuna and mayo. YUUUCCCCKKKKKK

5.) Oscar-Meyer Cheese Dogs.

6.) whey drink with oil and heavy wipping cream.

7.) Snacks: Pork skins with ranch dressing or sourcream and onion dip. I also drink diet coke/cola. ASPERTAME WILL NOT KICK YOU OUT OF KETOSIS/NOR WILL THE DIET COKE!!!
***That's all I can think of right now.

SUPPLEMENTS: The same as Monday's, but here is two ways that I have done it after my body adjusts to them:

Way #1:
Lipokinetix: 2-4 pills 3 times per day.

Yohimbe Fuel: As needed to get my 20 to 30mg. There are 3mg's already in the Lipo so I make my calculations accordingly.

Caffeine: There are 100mg already in the lipo, therefore i will take an extra 100-200 mg. for each dose.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: I continue to take this supplement until ketosis is established, then i will switch over to Chromium and Magnesium. I take 1200-1500 mg daily of ALA.
I will usually take it through Tuesday even if Ketosis has already been established. This will help make sure of any dought. Also, I will use it any time that I eat meals that contain more than normal amount of carbs (peanut Butter, etc.). So Today, I would continue the ALA until I go to bed. If I were not in Ketosis as of Wednesday, I would continue its use till the end of Wed.

Fiber Drinks: Self-explanatory. And don't wory about the fibrous carbs in the sugar free drinks, your body will not use this dietary fiber for energy. This is for the pooper.

VITAMIN C: 2 grams to 6 grams per day.


Primatene Tabs or Mini Thins (Ephedrine): 25-50 mg.'s 3 times per day.

YOHIMBE FUEL: 2-4 capsules per day

Caffeine pills: 200 to 400 mg. with each ephedrine dose.

ALA: Same as last.

CREATINE: Heres one I forgot to mention. I use this with my puddings sometimes if I have it. 5-10 grams with each pudding. It's debatable whether or not it is effective during ketosis since insulin and carbs are low, but I use it for the hell of it. I actually can tell that i am a little fuller to a degree. This is a supplement I use if I have, but if I don't have it, its no big deal. Bottom line, it doesn't hurt anything as far as gains. Use to your own satisfaction and don't let it break the wallet.


VITAMIN C: SAME as before.

NOTES: This is about all that I use. I do these stacks up til the night before my carb-up. I will show the doses for Magnesium and Chromium on Wednesday's report.

TRAINING: I either do my workout in the morning or later on. If i do not do weight training in the morning, I will usually do some cardio in the morning anyway. Then I will do another cardio bout after my weight training later in the day or night. The same principle are used for Tuesday's workout as they were for Monday's. Remeber, the muscles still need some kind of "anabolic stimulus" to keep them from becomming catabolic. Lifting with resistance training will help this. Also, you do not want to lift too heavy as to create soreness that will negate your whole body workout later in the week. These workout should be short, intense, and basic. You will notice that when carbs are not ingested, your body will be sore longer. This is why we do these heavier workouts at the beginning of the week when insulin and carbs will be at their highest within the muscle and liver, etc.... After this workout the "circuit-set" is only for the purpose of depleting the muscles of glycogen (and the liver to some extent). The cardio will do a better job on depleting the liver of its glycogen, more so than the weights. This is what my Tuesday workout looks like: CHEST, SHOULDERS, TRIS, NECK

DUMBBELL BENCH: 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps.
*Rest 2 minutes between each set and exercise

DUMBBELL INCLINE: 1-2 sets of 6-10 reps.

D-BELL SHOULDER PRESS: 3 sets of 6-10 reps.

SIDE LATERALS: 1 set of 8-12 reps.

TRIS: I will use a different exercise for each set. Each set will be 8-10 reps. 2-3 sets.

SHRUGS: 3 SETS OF 6-8 REPS. Hold 4 sec's at top, then lower slowly.

*I rest 3-5 minutes, then I begin my circuit set.

FLAT BENCH FLYES: 20-25 reps.
*rest 1 minute

*Rest 1 minute

*rest one minute

D-BELL SHRUGS: 20-25 reps.
*rest 1 minute

REAR DELT FLYES: 20-25 reps
*rest 1 min.




Taining Notes: Usually I will do my hyperextensions in monday's workout, it just depends how I feel.

*I then go to the stationary bike and do a 20-30 minute session.


MOOD: Most people will feel really sluggish, and for the most part, Tuesday's workout will be the most nauseating. This is due to the body's depletion of glycogen. There is a range of blood sugar levels at around the 50-80 mg/dl that will make most people tired. Until you get below this and into ketosis, which is below the 50ish mg/dl level, you will feel tired. Once ketosis is established, you will not feel as bad.

CONCLUSION: I will add more to this later on today, as well as any questions that arise in my little head and from yourselves.

[This message has been edited by MR. BMJ (edited December 05, 2000).]

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Cool Novice

Posts: 26
Registered: Jun 2000

posted December 06, 2000 06:05 AM

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Nice 1st-class post!

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