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Cool Novice

Posts: 34
From:long island
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 04, 2000 03:05 AM

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Im starting a new diet tommorow based on animalbolics.. i would appreciate it if everyone would look it over and give me an opinion.. im also having a little trouble trying to grasp what i should do on the days that i dont work out.. animalbolics doesnt go into much detail about that.. i was thinking of dropping the calories to 2200 for days i dont work out.. cutting the 200 calories from the carbs of course.. but im not too sure what i should eat at night since i probably shouldnt go along with the post workout meals if im not working out.. should i cut carbs even lower and replace with fat calories on off days? One other thing id like is for anyone who has experience with this sort of diet to give some ideas for the meals pre-workout.. ex..breakfast.. lunch.. I am very excited about this diet as i have heard great things and i think it would work around my schedule great.. i am currently 220 pounds at about 16 % bodyfat give or take a few.. and would like to get to 200.. with strict rules how long should this take with a diet of this type

** 2 Post workout meals**

200 x 12 = 2400 calories a day

200/2.2 = 90kg

90kg = 90g carbs after workout

90/2.5 = 36g protein

90g carbohydrates = 360 cal

36g protein = 145 cal

2 post workout meals = 1010 cals

** Pre workout Meals **

fruit to keep t4 conv to t3 = 200 cals morning 100 cals lunch 200 cals preworkout

fruit = 500 cals

200 � 72 protien (post workout) = 128 grams protein during the day = 512 calories

42 grams fat = 378 calories

total fruit + protein + fat = 1390

calories total 2400

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 95
From:houston, tx, usa
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 04, 2000 12:38 PM

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I'm far from an expert on the Animalbolic diet, but I've been on it for almost a month. I'm losing about 2 lbs a week on it with no decrease in strength at the gym. On days I don't go to the gym, I still consume carbs with my last meal of the day to ensure that I'll be ready for the next day's workout, but I usually cut the amount of carbs in half.
Breakfast: 6 eggs, a scoop of whey protein, orange juice or an apple.
Lunch: Chicken grilled in olive oil, low carb vegetables (spinach, etc)
Snack: apple
dinner: either steak or chicken
Pre-workout: grapejuice
Halfway through my workout I'll have a small protein/carb drink
Post-workout: protein drink and oatmeal
Post-workout 2: chicken, rice, mixed vegetables
Supplements: yohimbe/caffeine stack, mutli-vit., C, E, zinc/mag, ALA
Compared to a ketogenic diet, the weight loss is slower but it's easier to stick with. I felt like crap on the ketogenic diet but no negative effects from this one.
When I get to my BF% goal, I'll probably bump up the calories and make this my maintenance diet.
If anyone else has experience on this diet please provide feedback.

"TCB, baby." -- Elvis

Veni, Vidi, Vici

What does your conscience say? - "You shall become the person you are." -- Nietzsche

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Cool Novice

Posts: 34
From:long island
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 05, 2000 04:51 AM

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Thanks for the reply theking im very interested in your progress... and would like to talk more about your regime.. if you could please give me an email.. im very happy about this diet because i think its going to be very easy to stick to.. have you noticed any muscle loss? are you on any steroids? im doing this 100% natural.. If anyone else has an experience to share on this diet or some ideas that could help out.. some good food to eat or anything that could add to the discussion please post..

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 95
From:houston, tx, usa
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 05, 2000 12:29 PM

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This is my first time doing the diet, so I'm still working out the kinks. I'm not on steroids. The weight that I'm dropping is mostly fat since I'm making progress in the gym and muscle size is about the same but becoming more defined. I have to say that this is the best diet that I've tried. One additional thing, I run three times a week first thing in the morning, but I've always done that. If you're not doing it, I suggest you add that to your routine. Since the Animalbolic diet is meant to keep you in a "fat burning" zone all day, a morning run should really add to it. Feel free to e-mail me. I don't know how much info I can provide, but I'll be happy to try.

"TCB, baby." -- Elvis

Veni, Vidi, Vici

What does your conscience say? - "You shall become the person you are." -- Nietzsche

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Cool Novice

Posts: 14
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 10, 2000 01:01 AM

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to meet you again,may god bless you,adios!!! ELVIS 21/9/77

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