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Author Topic:   MY CKD THINGY: DAY ONE

Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 360
Registered: Apr 2000

posted December 04, 2000 12:32 AM

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Okay folks, as previously posted, I am gonna do a 2-3 week CKD diet to show what has worked for me. Hopefully this can help some. And hopefully with everyone's insight, thought, constructive critisisms, etc. we might learn something new. I will post daily on everything I do to the tee. Since I am only doing it for 2-3 weeks, there may be a little bit of manipulation for better results. I guess I will just dive right in and mention what I have done so far today.

Today, I just ate fairly easy to digest foods that didn't settle in the gullet too long. I had to be at work at 6:30 am, and I just ate what I could.

Meal #1: 16 oz. of nonfat milk and 3 scoops of Simply Protein (EAS 5 lb). ~6:15am.

Meal #2: Same as meals #1. ~8:30 am.

Meal #3: Vegetable soup, 2 dinner rolls, 1 slice of carrot cake, and 2 nonfat yogurts.
12:30-1:00 pm (lunch). Not exactly ideal, but hey, I work in a hospital.

Meal #4: 8 oz. of grape juice and 1 scoop of protein (10 grams). ~3:45 pm.

Meal #5: Same as meals #4. ~6:15pm. This was my last meal until tomorrow.

**Notes: I tried to eat fairly easy digestible foods that way my body would be able to use them up fast, thus quickening my descent into ketosis for the week. My body was not in a depleted state before today, therefore, I had to be somewhat careful not to add too many high GI carb calories (any/too [many] calories for that matter), which would cause fat gain. Also, I did not want to train this weekend so that way I would not be too sore for Monday and Tuesday's workouts. The foods I ate for today were not calculated, but next weekend they will be.

Supplements: I forgot my Magnesium and Chromium before going to work; Therefore, I didn't use them until Meals 4 and 5.
I used 400mcg's of Chromium with each meal, and I used 333mg's of Magnesium with each meal. Starting at 8:00pm I started taking 300 mg's of Alpha-Lipoic Acid, and will continue to do this every 2 hours until 12 midnight to try and drive glycogen levels down. Also, I do not take ALA with my carbs over the weekend because I do not want to lower my levels of glycogen/glucose levels while trying to re-saturate my muscles with glycogen. Instead I use the chromium and magnesium, and save the ALA for its effect on establishing ketosis (helps with cost too). Actually, I would like some feedback from some of the experienced guys/gals if this is what they feel is correct too. Brock Strasser (AKA Bruce Kneller) has stated this many times on the Testosterone site.

Training: None for the day.

Drugs: I will not use anything that is illegal and needs a prescription for this trial, due to the fact that some readers will want to know how to do it without them. Therefore, no insulin, juice, T3, DNP, etc. I will try and re-do this later next year when I cut-up and will try and will include the goodies, but not this time.
By the way, I live in the states, therefore, availability may differ in other countries/states.

Side notes: Ideally, I wanted to have my body fat tested today, but when I found my skindex calipers, they were broke ( ). So, I am going to order some more tomorrow and have them sent to me. Also, knowing that I could have just gone to the local gyms and had it tested, I chose not to. The idiots at my gym suck. There is one guy that is fairly decent, but he was not in. Therefore, I will see if he can do it tomorrow morning until I get mine. I'll post more on this later.

Conclusion: In essence, I would have not just jumped into a CKD without preparing myself for it right, but since I am only doing it for 2-3 weeks, I did just that. Also, my thinking is more along the lines of Duchaine's "BodyOpus" and Lyle McDonalds "The Cyclic Ketogenic Diet." Therefore, I give props to these guys for teaching how to do this diet. You may see that I have adopted a lot of my writing set-up to the way Lyle did his "20 Week BODYOPUS Diet". They are/were in my mind 2 of the best analytical thinkers at solving problems. Just to let it be known, reading articles by Duchaine is what helped motivate myself for nutrition and bodybuilding in general (drugs too, hehehe). In my mind, he was the God of the sport, and will be surely missed. One of my goals were to someday meet this guy, but knowing that he kicked-the-bucket early this year kind of ruined that. If people only knew everything he helped bring to the sport, they would appreciate him more. Anyway, a lot of what I have learned has come from him, and thats all I have to say about that for now.

Well, that's about all I can think of right now, so if I think of anything else, I will post it to this thread. Also, I am no genius, so be easy on me here. Until tomorrow, unless someone has anything to ask, I will do day 2 tomorrow to let ya know what I am doing.

[This message has been edited by MR. BMJ (edited December 04, 2000).]

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Cool Novice

Posts: 26
Registered: Jun 2000

posted December 04, 2000 10:29 AM

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Very interested in your CKD progress logs..

WIll be using anything to measure if u are in ketosis? and if so.. post when that occured in the week?

And u will put up how much prot/(carb)/fat u take in each meal, right?


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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 360
Registered: Apr 2000

posted January 03, 2001 05:26 PM

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Cool Novice

Posts: 40
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 04, 2001 12:29 PM

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This is not really a CKD, atleast not a good one. If you've read Bodyopus of Lyle's book and you are following them, where's the fat? And you need to drop all the carbs except possibly around training.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 75
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 04, 2001 01:12 PM

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beefman this post is actually the day Before the start day of CKD.I think that the diet that he has planned is a very good CKD.This post shows what he ate to get himself ready for the first day (Monday) so that his body would establish ketosis faster.

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