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  Dr. Mauro DiPasquale diet w/which juice..??

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Author Topic:   Dr. Mauro DiPasquale diet w/which juice..??

Cool Novice

Posts: 13
Registered: Mar 2000

posted December 03, 2000 11:55 AM

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Hey guys...What's up.? I was out of the country for 14 months and just now returned to the boards. While I was away I was working at least 65 hours a week and managed to slip in my training and gained an unwanted 23 lbs. or so of ugly, unwanted fat. I also lost a good amount of muscle as well. Now that I am back on have been training twice a day and I am on a serious comeback...I am 6'0 and about 235lbs(bf%..too scared to check just yet). Well, I have been reading your posts on the anabolic diet by Dr. DiPasquale and I got interested and bought the book and the video. I started the diet last week and so far it is working okay. Real tired and workouts have been kind of shitty..I also am really not used to eating all of that fat either. I am definetly integrating some juice into this diet. I am currently on 6iu's of Nutropen growth hormone a day and am taking 300mg's of Primo. I have a good friend who is a sports medicine doctor and used to compete. I told him about the sauce. He doesn't agree at all, however he said that he would offer his advice. He suggested throwing in some Winstrol-v and then maybe even some test or D-bol. Remember my main goal at first is to loose alot of fat and also make some moderate gains. I asked him about the D-bol first. He told me that I shoul only take 3 to 4 tabs a day and keep a strict diet. He said that the water retention should be minimal considering the anabolic diet and the low carbs. He said the water would get worse on the weekends but not to worry. The D-bol he said will help build lean mass and will work great with the GH. I am still alittle concerned about taking something like test or D-bol while trying to diet down. He said don't worry about getting fat or too puffy on the D-bol or test..."It's all your diet"..
Have any of you tried juicing with something harsh like this while on the anabolic diet? What do you guys recommend about the D-bol? Maybe even some Fina..? Any cycle info that you guys would recommend that would work great with the diet? Remeber, I have access to any juice...Anything...most of it from doctors from the U.S. and Greece, and I know it's legit.
Sorry to write a novel but it's my first time back to the boards and I wanted to give you guys some backround on what I was told...


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 609
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 03, 2000 09:11 PM

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I would just go with the primo and winny. it's all about the diet. I doubt you'll lose muscle mass.

btw: you might wanna cut and paste this over to the anabolic board, they can help you more. alot of the bro's here are not AS users

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Cool Novice

Posts: 13
Registered: Mar 2000

posted December 05, 2000 05:30 PM

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This diet is just making me feel like shit...I mean I can still lift, but after I read the book it talks about the shift after a few days. The shift were your body starts using its own fat for energy and you are supposed to have an increase in everything. I don't think that I have hit that yet and it't been almost a week. I wonder if I am supposed to eat more fat? I eat, a small amount of mayo,cheese,eggs, and olive oil. That's where all of my fat comes from. Not alot though. Anybody have any advice....?

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Cool Novice

Posts: 13
Registered: Mar 2000

posted December 06, 2000 12:05 PM

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Has anybody done this diet or am I the only one....? Nobody has any imput on this diet..????

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Cool Novice

Posts: 18
From:Satellite Beach, FL USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted December 06, 2000 12:10 PM

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Batman -

I haven't specifically done this diet, but I have done the Ketogenic Diet. High fat, low protein, even lower carbs.

80/20 ratio of fat to protein, with mabye 10g of carbs.

I started on a Monday, and by Wednesday pm, I was in ketosis.............

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