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  Has any one tried the fat fast?

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Author Topic:   Has any one tried the fat fast?

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 70
From:Hollywood, CA
Registered: May 2000

posted August 28, 2000 11:28 PM

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The Fat Fast Experiment � Part Deux
The results are in!
by Brock Strasser

Brock Strasser is an extreme guy. While most of us are satisfied with a nice Trans-Am, Brock tears up the streets in a Viper. While we think our Labrador Retrievers are really cool, Brock prefers Mastiffs, which are roughly the size of small horses.

And while we're really happy to have girlfriends or wives with nice racks, Brock likes his women with nipples the size of dinner plates. So it's no surprise that when Brock decides to go on a diet, he's going to take it to extremes. Since he's also a sort of mad scientist, he thought he might as well experiment a little while he was at it. In case you missed it, Bock outlined his program here back in issue 107.

I have some disheartening news. The Fat Fast Experiment was a failure. I set out to lose 25 pounds of fat and I only lost 14. Because of my weak will, I only lasted 24 days on this Draconian diet and supplement scheme. I went from 212 pounds at 16.5% body fat to 198 pounds at 10.6% body fat. No rippling veins, no shredded glutes, and no six-pack of abs. My goal was to hit 185 pounds and lose 20-30 pounds of fat. I failed.

In fact, I'm so disappointed I've decided to quit working in the bodybuilding industry altogether. From now on, I'm going to concentrate my efforts on the other love of my life. That's right, I'm going to start designing feminine hygiene products. Look for new super absorbent "Brock Blocks: Tampons with Attitude," coming soon to a store near you.

Okay, I'm kidding. Here's how the diet went down.

If you remember in my prelude to this experiment, my plan was to go on a ketogenic diet that allowed me only 1300 calories per day. Basically, I survived on the following:

1. Cold-pressed flax seed oil � five tablespoons a day, which is about 650 calories or almost half of my daily caloric intake.

2. A special protein blend (160 grams per day) I had custom made. (Unfortunately, low-carb Grow! wasn't available to me at the time.)

3. I'd also throw in the occasional "delicacy" of oil-packed tuna, a boiled egg, or bit of cheese.

For 24 days, I survived on this diet until I ultimately fell victim to "carb crave" on day 25 when I passed by a local Dunkin' Donuts. I smelled the sugary aroma of carb-laden yumminess drifting from behind the glass doors. The powdered donuts and eclairs seamed to beckon me to come inside and chow down. My body rebelled against my good intentions and I soon found myself shoving a little old lady out of the way and diving into a fresh batch of jelly filled donuts. Three days later I awoke from the insulin-induced coma and knew my diet experiment was officially over.

So was this diet a failure? Truthfully, the answer is no.

I did lose 14 pounds of pure fat in only 24 days and I did it without losing any lean body mass � none, zero, nada! Many have gone so far as to say that losing fat this quickly without sacrificing muscle is impossible, but that's exactly what happened. I lost a full two inches of girth from my waist. My arms and chest are as big as they ever were (within 1/4" on the arms and 1/2" on the chest). I look like an athlete, not a bodybuilder, which isn't a problem for me. I never really wanted to look like one of those 285-pound gorillas anyhow.

My face looks thinner and I look younger and healthier. Everyone, from my wife to people at the various gyms I frequent, have all commented on the "transformation" I've made. I've been accused of being on clenbuterol, Cytomel, Primbolan, Winstrol, Oxandrin, growth hormone, you name it. In reality, I only used two Biotest products (Androsol and MD6) and a plain multivitamin.

Because I know some of you are probably more "steel willed" than I am and will want to try this protocol yourself, I'm going to outline exactly what I did and how I did it.

Fat Fast Training

The first thing I did was modify my workout to include 30 minutes of aerobics three times per week at 70% maximal heart rate. I despise aerobics almost as much as I despise dieting, but I did manage to stick with this. Basically, all I did was hop on the treadmill at a meager 6 MPH for 30 minutes after every resistance training session. On days that I trained legs, I admit to starting out a little slower (4.5�5 MPH for 4�5 minutes). I always did a "cool down" for 7�8 minutes at 4 MPH. I don't know if this mattered or not.

On Mondays, I trained chest and triceps:

� Incline Bench Press for 4 sets of 8�12 reps including a warm up set

� Weighted Dips for 4 sets of 8 reps each

� 100 Push Ups divided up in 5�6 sets

� Tricep Pushdowns (both arms, pronated position) for 3 sets of 10 reps.

� Tricep Pushdowns (supinated) for 3 sets of 10 reps each arm

� Nosebreakers (prone tricep extensions, starting and ending at the nose), 3 sets of 8-12 reps

� 30 minutes of aerobic activity.

On Tuesdays, I trained back and biceps and I did the following workout:

� Wide Grip Chin Ups for 3 sets of 10-8-6 reps

� Low Cable Rows for 4 sets of 10-12 reps (both arms, pronated position)

� Cable Pulldowns (in front of chest) for 4 sets of 10-12 reps

� Standing Barbell Curl for 3 sets of 10-12 reps

� Dumbbell Preacher Curl for 3 sets of 10-12 reps

� Cable Concentration Curls for 3 sets of 10-12 reps

� 30 minutes of aerobic activity

On Saturday I trained shoulders, legs, and abs:

� Squats for 4 sets of 8-10 reps

� Leg Curls for 4 sets of 8-10 reps

� Standing Calf Raises for 4 sets of 20-30 reps

� Leg Presses at 45 degrees for 2 sets of 10-12 reps

� Power Cleans for 3 sets of 10-12 reps

� Cable Upright Rows for 3 sets of 10-12 reps

� Dumbbell Lateral Raises for 3 sets of 10-12 reps

� Crunches, 3 sets to failure

� 30 minutes of aerobic activity

It's important to note that while I didn't gain any strength during this three week period, I didn't lose any either. I still do incline bench presses for reps with 245 pounds and all my other poundages also went unaffected.

Fat Fast Supplementation

I used three capsules of MD6 per day. The maximum dosage is six caps per day taken in divided dosages, but three is all it took to make me feel hot and zonk my appetite sufficiently. I also used 70 sprays of Androsol, 35 in the morning after my shower and 35 sprays right after cleaning up from my afternoon workout. On days where I wasn't training, I sprayed on my second dosing between 3 and 5 PM.

To put it bluntly, the worst part of this was meal time. At around day ten, the very idea of the protein drink made me want to gag. Once or twice I was sure the concoction was going to come back up on me. I tried to eat four or five equally divided meals per day, but usually it was more like three per day.

Also, a serving or two of Metamucil is not even close to what you need for proper "bowel hygiene." I learned that lesson the hard way. Remember, no carbs means no fiber and that means constipation. There were a few times I was sitting on the toilet and absolutely sweating bullets. I swore I was giving birth! Next time, I think I'm going to try Peri-Colace every second day in addition to daily servings of Metamucil.

Final Thoughts

There are a couple of items of note regarding the Fat Fast Experiment. First off, I lost 8 pounds the first week. Obviously, quite a bit of this was water weight as ketones have a moderate diuretic effect. I think if I ever do this again, I'll make sure I drink eight full 16 ounce glasses of water per day.

My energy levels never seemed to lag much and I thank MD6 for this. However, I never did seem to get that "pump" during workouts like when I wasn't doing this experiment. I think I might experiment with limited carb intake (less than 60 grams) on training days just before the workout. The alpha lipoic acid in MD6 should help to keep me in ketosis while the small quantity of carbs might help me to "feel the pump." Physiologically, this pump might not mean a hill of beans with regards to muscle growth, but psychologically, I'm one of those people who really need it.

Low carb guru Lyle McDonald also put forth an interesting idea. Once or twice per week it might be a good idea to have virtually 100% of all caloric intake come from protein. The science behind this is sound, so I'll probably opt to try it once per week on non-training days.

I'd be really interested to hear about the experiences of any readers who opt to try the Fat Fast. Drop me an e-mail here if you choose to try this diet. Initially, I wanted to stay on the diet around 30 days. I'd like to see if someone could manage to do this for 42 days (6 weeks) and maybe take some before and after photos. We might even post them right here at T-mag. Any volunteers?

Well, that's all folks. I'm sure I'll do this again, maybe in spring 2001 so I'm in better shape next summer than I am this summer. I think this protocol of MD6, Androsol and a 50% caloric reduction ketogenic diet has a lot of upside. I'm convinced that if you're determined to lose fat and determined to lose it rapidly, legally and without muscle loss, then this plan will certainly work for you. If, of course, you stay the hell away from Dunkin' Donuts!

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