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Post Cycle Therapie (PCT) is considered to be the most important part of a cycle because, if ignored or done incorrectly, the athlete could lose most, if not all of the gains made on cycle. Als Ergebnis, all of their hard work and money spent could be a total waste. Deshalb, many have wondered about the best way of running a PCT after using SARMS (selektive Androgen-Rezeptor-Modulatoren) like Anabolicum (LGD), ANDARINE (S4), Ostabolic (Ostarine), and Testolone (RAD140) – all of which are somewhat suppressive.
What does suppression and shutdown really mean?
leider, many people are under the incorrect assumption that being 'shutdown' is related to low libido, so they assume that if their libido is high, no suppression is taking place. Hingegen, this is actually a mis-characterization of the wording. In actuality, being shutdown or suppressed is when your pituitary glands are performing below their baseline. This aspect of suppression can be seen with blood work, where the LH (Luteinisierendes Hormon) und FSH (Follikel – Förderung Hormon) are lower than before. Beispielsweise, when you run anabolic steroids they will drop severely close to 0. Mittlerweile, when you run SARMS they will drop considerably less – typically by 20-40%, depending on the duration and the kind of SARMS you used.
*Notiz: it is important to run full blood work before every cycle in order to establish a baseline number.
How much suppression will SARMS give me?
Anabolicum (LGD), S23 and Testolone (RAD140) tend to be the more suppressive SARMS, while Ostabolic (osta-mk) und ANDARINE (S4) are the less suppressive ones. Hingegen, it is important to remember that ostabolic has been shown to be non-suppressive when taken for 4 weeks or less at dosages no higher than 25 Milligramm (mg). Any cycle that is longer, or a dosage higher than that, will cause suppression. Daher, it is best to be safe than sorry, and follow up your SARMS cycle with a PCT.
Andererseits, both Stenabolic (SR9009) und Cardarine (GW) are not SARMS. Deshalb, they are non-hormonal and non-suppressive, so no PCT would be required if you ran either of them solo.
What happens to my HPTA after I complete my SARMS cycle?
If you run a suppressive SARMS cycle. your LH, FSH, and testosterone levels will be lower than your baseline. Folglich, the purpose of PCT would be to provide a soft landing and make recovery a breeze, allowing you to feel good, keep muscle mass, prevent body fat gains, and hold onto strength. It is a crucial part of PED cycling, as you will not be able to hold onto any progress if your hormonal levels do not balanced out. tatsächlich, this is why so many people are unable to progress - they fail to run a proper PCT to keep their gains, and they repeatedly have to start all over again.
Natural PCT vs. Medikamente
I do not believe that you always need to use drugs after light SARMS cycles with short duration and lower doses. Hingegen, for the longer cycles, you should use ancillaries along with PCT aids.
Testosterone boosting supplements to have on hand for PCT
1. N2Generate classic or N2Generate ES
Both of these have built a reputation for tremendously increasing libido. The classic version has been around for many years at an affordable price. So, it is tried and true. Mittlerweile, the ES (extra strength) version contains more of the same ingredients per serving, plus it has some extras. This is why it has the extra strength added to its name.

Both versions have:
- Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris and Zinc - both work in synergy to help the body produce testosterone at the highest level possible. Testosterone is our male hormone, that helps us build big muscles and strength, and during PCT it tends to be on a low level.
- Fadogia agrestis stem extract - this is a unique west African herbal supplement found in testosterone boosters because it increases libido and masculine behaviors.
- Bockshornklee - this plant contains something called saponins, which have been found in studies to increase libido by 25% bei Männern, and also help with premature ejaculation.
- 3,4 Divanil - this compound binds to SHBG (Sexualhormon-bindendes Globulin), creating a higher free testosterone ratio. It works in great synergy with the other supplements.
Außerdem, the extra strength version of N2Generate contains a higher dosage of the above, plus the following:
- Horny Goat weed - a long time aphrodisiac in Asia, which also increases blood flow to the penis. If you want stronger, and harder erections, this is a great addition to your PCT.
- Mucuna Pruriens Extract - a great mood enhancer, especially at a time when your mood is crashing. Its most amazing quality is the ability to decrease prolactin - a nasty hormone that causes loss of libido and interest in sex.
- Basella Alba - this one is a leafy vegetable that helps stimulate the leydig cells. Wenn dies geschieht,, your testosterone levels will spike.
- Zusätzlich, HCGenerate ES also contains Ginseng and Indole-3-carbinol, which work in synergy to balance hormones and increase LH. This is why you will notice that your testicles will seem to grow when you use HCGenerate ES.
Lipid and organ health
Even though SARMS are not going to be as harsh on the organs and body as anabolic steroids, you still have to compensate for the increase in muscle mass on your frame, and the strain that this increase has on the body. Deshalb, another great compound to use during PCT is N2Guard. This supplement can be used to help your heart and organ health because it has 3 dozen ingredients, ranging from vitamins and minerals, to herbs that will aid your body cope with the additional stress. I recommend using half the normal dosage here, which is around 3-4 Kapseln/Tag.

Blocking fat
Während der PCT, you run the risk of putting back on body fat that you worked so hard to get rid of while on your SARMS cycle. Glücklicherweise, a supplement called N2Slin has natural ingredients to provide nutrient partitioning, as well as fat blockage.
How does N2slin work and how can it help you out? The secret are the ingredients in it, which work in synergy to help you utilize foods you are eating without putting on body fat.

- Bergenin - keeps insulin from spiking after your meal, preventing fat gain.
- Crape myrtle tannis – helps in uptake of glucose and muscle repair.
- Gymnema sylvestre and 4-hydroxyisoleucine - both produce insulin when you need it.
- Coleus forskohlii - makes muscle cells more receptive to insulin. Im wesentlichen, increasing insulin sensitivity, leading to lower bodyfat.
- Green coffee bean extract and green tea extract - both help block the body from storing fat. Gleichzeitig, they both increase your metabolic rate.
PCT setup
Now that we know what these supplements do and why PCT is so important, this is how you should run your PCT after a SARMS cycle. You will not only keep your gains, aber, in many cases, you will also continue to lose body fat, gain muscle mass and increase strength.
Wochen 1-2
- Clomid 25mgs per day
- Nolvadex 40mgs per day
- HCGenerate (ES) - 5 caps per day split dose
- N2guard - 2-3 caps per day split dose
- N2slin - 1-2 caps before a large meal or 1 GAP 3 Mal pro Tag
- Ancient strength - 3 Kapseln pro Tag
- Whey isolate - 1 serving per day
Wochen 3-4
- Clomid 25mgs every other day
- Nolvadex 20mgs per day
- HCGenerate (ES) - 5 caps per day split dose
- N2guard - 2-3 caps per day split dose
- N2slin - 1-2 caps before a large meal or 1 GAP 3 Mal pro Tag
- Ancient strength - 3 Kapseln pro Tag
- Whey isolate - 1 serving per day
HINWEIS: This can extend into week 5-6 if recovery isn't complete.
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