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In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out Masteron aka Drostanolone. It's doses and side effects and more. We discuss:
• Its medical background, the date it was first seen in use and who produced it
• Its reputation as a hardener and what that means in reality
• It's use in show, competition and cutting cycles
• The potential side effects and, as before, how to deal with them
• Why you must absolutely be in condition to see the hardening effects (super important)
• Our insider tip on why flexing and posing will help boost its effectiveness.
• How even professional models use it to look good for photo shoots
• Why being both lean and hard can actually be uncomfortable (more insider info you wiont hear anywhere else)
• As always why knowledge of the esters and half lives helps you pick the right PED for your needs
• We give examples of great cycles and stacks Masteron will fit right into and more...
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