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Working out in the a.m. on an empty stomach

Hmmm... eggos, butter and honey sounds pretty good actually. I can't do peanut butter preworkout - I have no self control with that stuff and I ALWAYS eat too much of it.
silver_shadow said:
here's a nice combination you might want to try: milky cold coffee mixed with chocolate flavored whey protein powder.

As crazy as that sounds, it actually sounds pretty good. I love coffee. And I like mocha flavored protein powder. I could make up a quart of coffee, toss in some ice cubes and some chocolate protein powder, and have a nice preworkout shake. LoL
Tweakle said:
It's a totally personal thing, I had to do it at my last job and it sucked.. I barely had the energy to lift and got injured a lot.

If your CNS is switched on in the am, lucky you. I'd need to wake up 60 mins pre workout, knock back a big MRP shake, a handful of Ephidrine and a double expresso to make it thru alive.

agreed... im useless in the morning when it comes to the gym...

I would say, my compound lifts suffer about 10-15% when I have to lift early as opposed to the normal after work time
Guinness5.0 said:
Is this a bad thing? If so, why? I did this for about a year and made incredible progress, but it was upon returning from a multi-year layoff. For me right now, it's easiest, schedule-wise, to just roll out of bed, throw on my gym clothes, and hit the weights. Is there evidence (anecedotal or otherwise) that this is a bad idea?

Years ago, when I was first getting serious about lifting, I tried the whole BFL thing for about a month. It calls for your workouts to be first thing in the morning with nothing but a glass of water in your stomach. I never liked it much, personally. It was great to start the day with a bang, all pumped up and feeling like you've already accomplished a lot before you even step foot inside of the office (or classroom or whatever). But I have to agree with some others that even though I felt good afterwards, I usually felt like crap during the workout itself, and my lifts definitely suffered. Couldn't go as heavy, form wasn't always as good, etc. But, that's just me, I like to workout at the end of my day.
Protein Shake with some frozen yogurt then amp02 or NOxplode works for me. I get to the gym about 30 min after waking and with that can get a nice 2 hour workout in with no problem
Weel I put eggos on my shopping list so I'll see how it feels to have a little something in my belly.

This morning I drank a Monster (the full sugar one) and honestly it didn't feel much different than monday when I lifted on an empty tank. These workouts were not ballbusters, though, so they're probably not the best sample to draw conclusions from...
how soon before the workout are you necking that sugary goodness? if you can get up 60 mins early I'd suggest cooking some instant oats & blending them up into a thick shake.. but if it's less than an hour before the workout it probably wont make a difference.
Tweakle said:
how soon before the workout are you necking that sugary goodness?

I downed the thing in the car on the way to the gym. I may be able to come up with an hour. I could eat breakfast, cook my lunches, then hit the gym.

I may end up swithching to PM workouts if lifting so soon after waking starts to affect me. The problem with that is how I can't "come down" off the exercise buzz soon enough and I stay up way too late.
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