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which would be a better lean gainer - deca or eq with drol?

well im not sure what a lean gainer is supposed to be since you re either supposed to gain or to lean when cycling:p

but i do although like to start my pre-comp cycles with good old eq/drol combo accompanied by a good baseline of test(500mg prop/week) and the results are always positive.

Good Luck
Livewire - It’s a cycle where I'm looking to increase lean body mass, and lose fat (or without adding extra fat), with little to no water retention.
deca is an awsome drug if used conservately, nothing over 300mg for 10 weeks (any higher and i get itchy nips)
you want to increase lean body mass!!

Even with a clean diet it would definately be a challenge with the drol in there.....Well if you re looking for LBM i would definately switch the drol for var OR you could try something like:

1. prop, fina, var or winny
2. masteron, fina, proviron

again diet is key when looking for LBM so figure witch is best for you!

Good luck
livewire - i agree that diet is key to gaining here.

if you read my previous posts you would see that i will not run a test and i don't retain much water on drol. I actually hold more water while on fina.

I might try a mix of the two you suggested after i run out of deca. Provided I continue this cycle (instead of ending it with fina), i might possibly continue with winny/eq and masteron if i can come across it. I would love to try var, but the price is crazy. so until i have the money to run it alone at a high enough dose to see how i respond to it, it will just have to wait.
Little_Rage said:
Livewire - It’s a cycle where I'm looking to increase lean body mass, and lose fat (or without adding extra fat), with little to no water retention.

If that's the case, then nix the anadrol unless you plan on running arimidex with it. Eq is by far a better for lean gains, however diet is still the main culprit here.
I like 600mg EQ alone or with 300mg Deca added to it.
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