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When will people finally learn how to train??

cleverlandshark2001 said:
Great post!
One thing though, remember not to make broad generalizations such as "frequency is the key to growth not volume."
If I had to state what I thought the single most important factor would be I'd say intensity. Did you break down the muscle fiber, did you give 100%? Volume can be an inhibiting factor, so next I would ask did I stress the muscle too much?
Just some things to think about.

Well I'm not saying you "won't grow" with once bodypart a week routines, you will as long as you're recouperating and eating correctly. I'm just saying that all things considered, if you can train more often you will grow more often.

I used to think intensity was most important. With DC training it is pretty important. But HST shows that ultra intensity is not required for growth. Hell you're only going to failure once every 2 weeks.
Debaser....where can one learn more about those two types of training methods? Taining Board? Or is there a better source?
Click on the HST link in my post, or for DC training look at the sticky I posted on the training board.
Ditto to everything Debaser said. I train HST. Pretty much 99% of the people on the HST boards are natural, but it's incredibly common to hear "I've tried almost every training style, and I thought I was pretty much at my genetic limit. But during my first HST cycle I gained 8 pounds! This is unbelievable!"

The results people have had while on gear are just ridiculous. One of our guys who was already 230-ish at 8% bodyfat did a moderate cycle combined with HST, gained some 20-odd pounds in two months and kept like 15 of it. Another guy managed to drop 15 pounds to 260 while increasing his muscle mass. I'd love to see more people do HST, expecially juiced. It'd be interesting to explore the limits of muscle gain.

First of all that is your opinion.

Secondly, I don't like the DC training program.

I have my own and yes it produces great results.

Different people respond to different training regimes.

This is an anabolic board, most people here are either using or thinking about it. Otherwise, go to the training board.

The use of AS is a personal decision, just like the work out program that you choose or staying natural.

I was natural for 20 years, competed natural, won many competitions. Achieved 18 inch arms with a 29 inch waist, all natural.

Biggest mistake on my part, competing natural when everyone else was juicing. I was convinced that I could do it. At one point in my life I would never have used AS. Felt that it was an unfair advantage and all of that crap.

Once I maxed my natural potential and got older, I needed some help to do what I enjoy. Wish I had done it earlier.

Don't mean to flame but your being way to righteous for my taste.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I don't post at the training board much, but I read it way more than I read the ana board. There really is so much information there. The training forum, powerlifting forum, and diet forums are fucking awesome. I just know more people on the ana board so I post here more often.

Zoomster said:

Different people respond to different training regimes.

The "everyone is different" idea is the most incorrectly-used phrase on Elite Fitness. It doesn't matter if you look like gandhi or get 20" arms from mowing lawns, the principles of muscle growth remain unchanged. The only real differences are the rate at which you will gain muscle, and your genetic ceiling. It also affects recovery, so that a guy with elite genetics could be comparable to an average man on gear. The elite could probably get away with ultra volume training with many sets to failure, whereas the average man [without the drugs] could not.

Yes, my posts are often a bit righteous or somewhat inflammatory. That's just the way I post here. But to be honest, I think it has a better effect with this topic than "Excuse me sirs, but would you please be so kind as to partake in training discussion more often?" I mean this is bodybuilding. Sometimes you have to give someone a little shove in the right direction, instead of a polite hand-holding. Then they might ask themselves if they're really making the kind of gains they want. Which leads me to another point:

Well obviously some of my post is opinion, but the inherent principles underlying muscle growth are fact. And yes I understand this is an anabolic board. I'm not telling people to discuss training here. I'm relaying the fact that the training board gets poor participation in comparison. Which is really quite sad.
Good post, especially the first paragraph. What is so different about muscle fibers and the way they grow from one guy to the next? Stimulus, recover, grow, Stimulus, recpver, grpw, repeat. Now, the rate/speed will vary of course.

Debaser said:

The "everyone is different" idea is the most incorrectly-used phrase on Elite Fitness. It doesn't matter if you look like gandhi or get 20" arms from mowing lawns, the principles of muscle growth remain unchanged. The only real differences are the rate at which you will gain muscle, and your genetic ceiling. It also affects recovery, so that a guy with elite genetics could be comparable to an average man on gear. The elite could probably get away with ultra volume training with many sets to failure, whereas the average man [without the drugs] could not.

Yes, my posts are often a bit righteous or somewhat inflammatory. That's just the way I post here. But to be honest, I think it has a better effect with this topic than "Excuse me sirs, but would you please be so kind as to partake in training discussion more often?" I mean this is bodybuilding. Sometimes you have to give someone a little shove in the right direction, instead of a polite hand-holding. Then they might ask themselves if they're really making the kind of gains they want. Which leads me to another point:

Well obviously some of my post is opinion, but the inherent principles underlying muscle growth are fact. And yes I understand this is an anabolic board. I'm not telling people to discuss training here. I'm relaying the fact that the training board gets poor participation in comparison. Which is really quite sad.
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