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What's your TRT dose?

Liquid 2009

Just curious for those who are on TRT - What is your dose? What have you noticed different from before being on TRT? Has it improved your life - if so, how?

Did it take you awhile to find the right dose?

Do you notice more if you use HCG, etc?
My dose is 120mg cyp per week. It has definitely made a difference. I'm a younger guy and was in the gutters for energy. It was also hard to gain muscle. I started at 140mg and they lowered it to 120 after a few months. Everything has been better. Gains are flowing freely. Energy is high. Sex life is better than ever. Even for a younger guy.
Never tried HCG.
I'm on 200 cyp doctor prescribed I've never tried hcg either but I was the same as sayin sex drive was full
Dull* and energy was too and I was also having trouble building muscle. I started out with 100 went back to doctor and my levels were lower then before so he upped me to 200 now I feel like a fucking beast in every aspect. Love this shit.. Especially adding other compounds to it 😜
46 yr old on test cyp every two week injections 200MG. Really like it, definitely helped in the gym and life in general.
The dose was correct first time out.
I am a little more aggressive at work and in life in general...which is not a bad thing.
Dr. found the low number after my generic physical/blood test.
Standard is 150-200 every 2 weeks. However you will get much better results with 80-100 per week. It's the same amount but has much less swing. If you ask your endo I have never had one not be willing to let me doing half as much twice as often.
It takes about 4weeks for you to stabilize on the new dose then they run blood again to see where you are and adjust as needed then 4 weeks then more blood.
Also as long as you are not totally shut down your Test level will be lower 1st thing in the morning.

There are some clinics that do 200 a week but they are almost always ones that can't take insurance due to not properly making sure you need it and not correcting with right doses. I call these grey market clinics. They also exist for HGH and diet meds.
With a non-shady DR following approved methods and dose your insurance should pay for almost everything.
I'm on 200 a week

And is your insurance covering it all? Because 200 a week is not a replacement dose.
200 a week should have you close to 2000 and normal varies by age but about 400-1400
So even if your body made 0 at all 200 a week would shoot you way past normal for a 18 year old. That is not a correct TRT dose. That is a low level steroid cycle being given by a doctor trying to hide it as TRT and smells of a no insurance allowed clinic
No it's a doctor going threw insurance. PPO. I've been on this dose for 6 months now and just got my bloods done by him to see where I'm at. Haven't got the results back but I will definitely keep you guys posted. They should be here in a week or so. I'm just praying there not too high because I feel like a fucking champ lol. I'm 26 by the way I have no fucking clue why they were low in the first place it was before I ever touched anything. I went in for normal blood work and it came back low. I kind of had a feeling tho because my sex drive wasn't as high as it should have been I only wanted to have sex like once a week of that I would go like 3 weeks without wanting t have sex my girlfriend didn't like it at all. But now we have sex at least 4 or 5 times a week
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