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To live longer reduce calories by 1/3 so that bodyweight is 10-25% below set point


New member
CRON Diet: Caloric Restriction with Optimal Nutrition. The only known way to increase maximal lifespan of laboratory mammals. "Rate of aging" is actually reduced and maximal lifespan increased - average lifespan of longest living 10% of animals studied - as opposed to only the overall average lifespan.

Gradually reduce calories to 1/3 of maintenance calories until bodyweight is down to 10-25% below set point. Eat only natural whole and nutrient dense food. Avoid red meat and saturated fats. Avoid most dairy products except for non-fat yogurt or milk. Eat tofu. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fiber, essential fatty acids and some whole grains. Do a periodic fast. Sleep on a regular schedule. Meditate and take a very moderate and conservative array of supplements (not megadoses, as research does not indicate megadoses increase lifespan).

Exercise only moderately every 1 or 2 days. Stretch and maintain good posture. CRON would not bar you from weight lifting but you could only lift with moderate intensity. Moderate cardio would be advisable. No steroids. No growth hormone. Avoid most supplements.

You will look very thin, yet should have very good skin and energy levels. Quality of life should be greatly improved in later years. Libido may be reduced however.


I'm thinking NO

Living like that sounds like just "existing".

I'll take the road that sounds a little more exciting than sitting in an easy-boy chair, sipping herbal tea, and chewing tofu. :rolleyes:
Typical advice from nutritionists and researchers who are using only regression models based on average (or below average) fit persons.

If you want to be like that, just follow their advice. Good post however.

Mastardo said:
CRON Diet: Caloric Restriction with Optimal Nutrition. The only known way to increase maximal lifespan of laboratory mammals. "Rate of aging" is actually reduced and maximal lifespan increased - average lifespan of longest living 10% of animals studied - as opposed to only the overall average lifespan.

Gradually reduce calories to 1/3 of maintenance calories until bodyweight is down to 10-25% below set point. Eat only natural whole and nutrient dense food. Avoid red meat and saturated fats. Avoid most dairy products except for non-fat yogurt or milk. Eat tofu. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fiber, essential fatty acids and some whole grains. Do a periodic fast. Sleep on a regular schedule. Meditate and take a very moderate and conservative array of supplements (not megadoses, as research does not indicate megadoses increase lifespan).

Exercise only moderately every 1 or 2 days. Stretch and maintain good posture. CRON would not bar you from weight lifting but you could only lift with moderate intensity. Moderate cardio would be advisable. No steroids. No growth hormone. Avoid most supplements.

You will look very thin, yet should have very good skin and energy levels. Quality of life should be greatly improved in later years. Libido may be reduced however.


i make a living selling appliances and electronics store and yesterday (prior to reading the post about longevity) anelderly lady with a gentleman (looked to be my age - i am 55) came in and wanted to buy a dryer - the lady stressed that the dryer had to delivered on a certain day because she was working the rest of the week - i was able to arrange delivery on the day she requested and while doing the paperwork we small talked about this and that and i found out this lady (who worked 4 days a week) was 96 years old and the gentleman was her son (77 years old) - now i don't think that either one spent a great deal of time in the gym but they both stressed that they went to a doctor very infrequently - ate mostly 'country cooking' (lots of animal fat, etc) and did not believe in retirement (and both were not thin - but not fat either) - so regarding the post about longevity; you sir can follow your own advice - i will look to those who acually do live long productive lives...
I think there's some truth in reducing caloric intake - just personal observation as I've gotten older, and no one would argue clean eating, but the main issue I have on the usefullness of this one is that we don't live in a laboratory. We're subject to unexpected events, more stress, and the general rigors of our jungle environment. My belief is that striving toward your maximum limits, (which on a practical basis means knowlegeble use of supplementation) will be more successfull.
Re: To live longer reduce calories by 1/3 so that bodyweight is 10-25% below set poin

Let me emphasize what I wanted to say: In all mammals experimented on to date, caloric restriction increased maximal lifespan and this is the only technique that has consistently worked to date. It is the most promising method of life extension.

The following may go against the general consensus on this website: Its true that exercise and training for the great majority of people increases average lifespan (but not maximal lifespan); but to use reasoning similar to mightymouse69's (no offense bor), such facts don't apply to everyone and exercise won't necessarily increase a group of people's average lifespan (and certainly not their maximal lifespan).

The only thing that has worked to increase maximal lifespan in animals is severe caloric restriction. Exercise has not worked - moderate exercise has increased average lifespan but actually decreased maximal lifespan.

Caloric restriction may not be worthwhile to most people. You might prefer to be stronger and have more daily energy instead. Caloric restriction might not even extend maximal lifespan outside of the laboratory or in humans. But its the most promising method of extending anyone's lifespan according to the research.

Here are some studies: (these studies on on mice - click to the left to see studies on other animals)
Re: To live longer reduce calories by 1/3 so that bodyweight is 10-25% below set poin

fortunatesun said:
I think there's some truth in reducing caloric intake - just personal observation as I've gotten older, and no one would argue clean eating, but the main issue I have on the usefullness of this one is that we don't live in a laboratory. We're subject to unexpected events, more stress, and the general rigors of our jungle environment. My belief is that striving toward your maximum limits, (which on a practical basis means knowlegeble use of supplementation) will be more successfull.
Good point... The world is not a laboratory.
I have heard the some a few years ago. However the calories being restricted were form carbs. High protein and low carbs. Rats were the main animal used and it worked 100% of the time. I know we are not rats and the lab isn't the real worl but facts are facts. Mamals in general all work the same on a cellular level.

Well said. Although personally I wouldn't want to live that type of lifestyle, you are correct in the constant study results: calorie restriction does promote longevity. At least in the lab.

Cheers :coffee:
Thanks for all of the replies. I just noticed in my original post that I said to reduce calories to 1/3 of set-point calories. Actually, I should have said to reduce calories by 1/3, to 2/3 of set-point calories.

Anyway, I have been researching such a plan for some time. I'm considering doing it.
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