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Testicle cancer DONE! low T- Trt?


New member
Hey there guys
Long time no see, was an old member and avid user of elitefitness on another forgotten account! Well now im back, but my situation is alittle different. As the topic says i actually cought my situation quite early when the lump was quite tiny... but doctors were on crack what ever, told me it was nothing even though the picture showed some change! The specialist steered me clear from a biopsy as he was so known in the area and experienced that he was 100% sure... So i listen to the educated man, allthough i knew it from the start.. so 8month passed and i coudent hold it no more with the symptoms n such! I had surgery and chemo... 3xBEP
eventually the spreading was minimal... only a lymph was affect and on the 27 this month im having surgery to remove that deadlymph!

So my question is.. I feel as if i have low t levels, i have lost alot of size aswell as strength and my so once called "aggresion on life" is gone.. I feel worn out and tired, chemo has something to say here but i also believe the treatment might have smacked my hormones down.

- Do you guys know any other TCĂ©rs that went on TRT?
- Should i wait longer to see if my levels rise on their own?
- im 24years and was mega fit before.
- Im about to take a blood test to check out the my levels tomorrow, is there any certain hormones list i should ask for ?

first step is get blood work before you jump to conclusions

second if you do have low T I would see a specialist and ask them about post testy cancer and the chances of your T restoring itself.

you bring up a good question but I doubt many on here have had experience with this.. from what I know this type of cancer is more common in young guys, pretty scary stuff
you need bloodwork good friend before we can advise you if you should go on trt or not.
Yessir.. ill post up some pictures of me before and after! i tell ya without doubt, no one of ya hardcore asses would last a day in the world i was in... but when your in it, you have to fight through!!!


Not only did i have Tc for 8months but i developed side-effects from it ikke :tinnitus, eyefloaters and a feeling of foggy brain/death! thats when the alarmclocks rang and i kicked the door in requesting reevaulation.. now the doctor has made a document lying about me saying i was mentally ill and my refusal of a biopsi might have been an act of selfdestruktion.
Yessir.. ill post up some pictures of me before and after! i tell ya without doubt, no one of ya hardcore asses would last a day in the world i was in... but when your in it, you have to fight through!!!


Not only did i have Tc for 8months but i developed side-effects from it ikke :tinnitus, eyefloaters and a feeling of foggy brain/death! thats when the alarmclocks rang and i kicked the door in requesting reevaulation.. now the doctor has made a document lying about me saying i was mentally ill and my refusal of a biopsi might have been an act of selfdestruktion.
keep fighting brother! you are a brave man
I have to state that i throughout the months went "WHACK" yelling i had cancer and was always sushed apon by doctors telling me i was mentally stupid, since the specialist said it was nothing. When the side-effects started to arrive i said to everybody GOOD LORD it has spread!!! and then my familie even started to fight me... It was as if somebody was speaking through me, eventually when they did the surgery and CT-scan the doctors were like FUCK he was right???

Speaking to the chemo doctor, i asked him if the chemo would clear the tinnitus,eyefloaters,fog? he laughed and said no, and that C had nothing to do with those things.. eventually after first around everything cleard up and i dropped the knife! i actually woke up to a calm world without dark spots in my vision, i had gotten my life back!!! The first chemo returned my numbers to normal values, and when finished chemo.. They stated that by the blood work i was actually cancer free... i still have a surgery to remove the dead lymph wich will leave a scar of 15-20cm in the middle of my stomach.

Let me tell yall this: At 1month people with TC have spreading in organs and allover the body... Their markers would be 30.000 wich is a sign of heavy spreading
I had TC for 8months had minimal spreading and had markers at 300... doctors are like WTF this dude is either superhuman or very special! im just happy im here...

-When i recieved no help, i decided to take things into my own hand and cure myself
+ Became vegetarian only eating seafood and small amounts of proteindrinks
+ Began juicing fruit 1000ml a day or more
+ Green tea
+ Matcha tea
+ I eat all organic

^some how i dedicate my life to nature as i belive this was the reason i was able to hold on for so long and still be freaking strong!
Hey bro keep everything up! Sounds like You have a great handle on everything. I have some friends that actually got TC like yourself and started juicing something like 6x/day or somewhere around there and became vegetarian as well. After the first surgery/treatment failed to handle the TC, they began doing pretty much exactly what you did. After a few months of being strict with the juicing and diet, they went in for another test and it was completely gone. Obviously making those changes makes a massive difference when dealing with cancer. So keep it up bro! Its extremely unfortunate you got it at such a young age, but you look like you're dealing with it extremely well in those pictures. You don't look nearly as frail as most cancer patients. You look to be in a great state actually. Keep it up bro.

And now for the unfortunate news... This may not be true for everyone (hopefully it won't be so with you since you're so young), but I know after my father had TC and went into remission, anytime he touched T injections/treatments, his PSA shot WAY up. But he was also 57 or so when he was doing all this. This may not be the case for everyone, but I would be extremely careful. Go to a specialist and see what they say. Keep an extremely close eye on your PSA if you decide to start HRT. Hopefully this isn't the case for you bro. But just be careful. Unfortunately I've seen this with my own father... Goodluck man, I wish you the best of luck with everything.
Check total and free T, psa, estradiol and estrone, maybe dhea-s, adrenals. This in addition to standard CBC, lipids, and metabolic panels. Just my 3 cents (inflation)
Good luck buddy!
Thanks for the advice and the motivation guys! The pictures were taken right after my last treatment, and that was freaking killin me... Im looking way better now and have been to the gym
4days after chemo 60kg dead
15days after chemo 135kg dead
25days after chemo 175kg dead " Aint no one i know or heard of recoverying that fast, im running, swimming,talking, eating, juicenig and overall feeling freaking GREAT "

Does anyone mind explaining me what PSA is.. And yes ill be going for a full list of hormones! Goal is not to touch any medicine or unnatural stuff, as i believe and know C is a modern disease that is often ocomulated throughout months/years of poisioning! Our body actually develops C-cells everyday, but our immune system is able to kill them off by a progress called apoptosis... Apoptosis can be increased with a strong immunesystem, vitamins, antioxidants and an alkaline PH! Some fruits and vegetables actually contain cytotoxic key ingridence wich actually target C cells... I do believe that is the reason why i could go for so long with minimal spreading aswell as having so freaking low markers.... Doctors are freaking out, as they have no idea whats going on... Problem is they arent asking what i have been doing or why i think i developed TC wich i actually might know

But hey.. They give a shit... they research and the C-organisations pump millions of danish krons into stupid research in an area that is not going to change anything! If they asked me, and everyone else we might be able to find a red linie between all the TC develops and thereby conclude what the causes are "there are many" but im just saying...

These pictures were taken right before i got hit by the symptoms, so i still had the C... eventually this was my greatest shape as i was training towards my trip overseas. I had a job as personaltrainer in Spain, but that was taken away by the retarded doctor if only the fool had givin me the biosi back then! chemo,suffering and losses would have been evoided.
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