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Hello guys I´ve been following this forum since a while but this is my first time posting, the thing is I am starting a cycle on march and I havent tried some substances that I´ll be using this time, I am 23 years old and I´ve done 2 cycles before the first was a EQ+sust cycle and the other was a test prop+EQ+wins cycle for cutting. at this time I am 180 pounds lean (can see my abs clearly) my goal right now is to do a clean bulk gain the most amount of weight but without getting to fat (I watcht my food intake very closely so diet is not a problem), for this goal I am using:
Week 1-4: 40mg ED d-bol
Week 1-8: 400mg (test mixture like sust)
Week 1-10: 300 mg nandrolone phenylpropionate NPP
Week 7-10: 300 mg winstrol
I´ll be using HCG during the cycle and aromasin also.
my question is regarding d-bol and winstrol do you think this doses are fine?
In my last cycle I used 200 mg/week of winstrol and get really ripped I took my class (75kg) in my country (I´m an amateur bodybuilder) so I dont know should I maintain 200 mg/week of winstrol for this cycle as well or use 300 mg/week instead.

Helps is much appreciated, thanks and sorry if there´s some writing errors my english isnt that good.
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looks reasonable to me.
Make sure you have some Forma & Dostinex on hand

Whats your PCT looking like.
Is 40 mg ED too much d-bol for a kickstart????

my pct is consisted of
Week1: 12.5 mg aromasin ED; 30 mg ED nolva
Week2:12.5 mg aromasin ED; 20 mg ED nolva
Week3:12.5 mg aromasin ED; 20 mg ED nolva
also I´ll be using HCG through the cycle, I´ve read that nolva and aromasin isnt a great blend do you think I should use aromasin only? I prefer the aromasin because of the studies.
Is 40 mg ED too much d-bol for a kickstart????

my pct is consisted of
Week1: 12.5 mg aromasin ED; 30 mg ED nolva
Week2:12.5 mg aromasin ED; 20 mg ED nolva
Week3:12.5 mg aromasin ED; 20 mg ED nolva
also I´ll be using HCG through the cycle, I´ve read that nolva and aromasin isnt a great blend do you think I should use aromasin only? I prefer the aromasin because of the studies.

Nolva with a 19nor is a risk!
Pct needs some work.
I don't have any personal experience with 19 nor's (npp) but I do know this is not gonna work.
Nolva Is not a pct drug, It is a site specific Estrogen blocker Which means it is only good for 1 thing...gyno.
I think you mean 1/4mg aromasin if so 1/4mg ed might be to much you should start it at first pin at 1/4mg 2x weekly then increase it if you need. Run it from first pin to end of pct.
Pct Itself should be post cycle/ unleashed with clomid ed for 4 weeks.
The above + the hcg should leave you feeling a lot better.
Now as far as the npp you need to get something on hand in case of progesterin sides.
I hear cabar is good but like I said I don't have any personal experience with that compound.
Good luck bro, hope this helps :)
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look into unleashed,post cycle for pct maybe some daa

nolva you never want to pct with after a decca or tren cycle,it could make gyno worse
Caber for the progestin. Maybe look into clomid as part of pct with aromasin. Unleashed and post cycle from n2bm and you should be pretty good ESP if you are running hcg through cycle. I would run the hcg 2 weeks or through pct.

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thanks a lot guys, I am going to get rid of the nolva then, i´ll stick with aromasin and clomid post cycle, would it be okay if i take clomid like this:
week1: 100
week2: 50
week3: 50
do you think PCT would be better like this:
Week 1: 12.5 mg aromasin ED; 25 mg Clomid ED
Week 2 12.5 mg aromasin ED; 25 mg Clomid ED
Week 3: 12.5 mg aromasin ED; 25 mg Clomid ED
Week 4: 25 mg clomid ED
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