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Starting Olympic Lifting


New member
Hey everyone,

I really want to start olympic lifting, I've been doing compound lifts (3x5 so far) for general strength development and muscle maintenance, though my goals are getting a bit more specific. I'll be competing as an amateur boxer in the 141 weight class (5'9) and I need to increase explosive strength and anaerobic conditioning while trying to stay in a specific weight class, sounds Oly is the thing for the job right?

Though I've found bumper weights at my local gym, the nearest qualified (USA Weightlifting) coach is 2.5 hours away. I'm thinking about driving there and staying in a motel for the weekend, coming back here to workout, then going back again to get feedback on my form and to get further coaching. Do you think this will be enough to learn some good habits, or would you say "forget about the power cleans and snatches, stick to the regular squats and presses"?

Thanks a lot...

EDIT: Does anyone know what happened to txinstitute website? I was thinking about signing up with coach Pendlay...
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Oly lifts will get you that explosion that you are looking for. If it is the best thing for boxing... it would seem so, but I have no idea.

Getting some coaching will be better then none, that is for sure. Although I do not think that they necessarily need to be qualified.

I would check out these websites: and for some helpful advice. Also, if you can get videos of your self and post them up on this site, people that know the correct ways of oly lifting will comment on them and help you out.

Good luck.
I drive ~2 hours to see my coach also, so yes it is fine. I practice my form with my coach once every 2 weeks, and have a routine roughed out for my next few weeks. Works well, I cycle through different assistance work to make sure I work my weaknesses while training alone.
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