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SERM during PCT?


New member
Does anyone have nipple sensitivity while running HCG during your PCT? Sometimes arimidex isnt enough for me so I was thinking about running 20mg nolvadex while i'm on HCG..does anyone else use this method?
How much HCG are you using? Too much will just bump e and do nothing more for recovery.
you don't wanna use hcg for PCT> unless its absolutely necessary

you use hcg during cycle and then while esthers are clearing your body.

This. I would rather use some triptorelin for PCT instead of hcg. ;)
You should always use nolva when using HCG...there are studies that show shooting HCG in supraphysiological doses can lower your sensitivity to it going forward (not a good thing!)....nolvadex negates this. I use 20mg of nolva per day when shooting HCG.
You should always use nolva when using HCG...there are studies that show shooting HCG in supraphysiological doses can lower your sensitivity to it going forward (not a good thing!)....nolvadex negates this. I use 20mg of nolva per day when shooting HCG.

if this was true its a non issue if you follow my pct protocol of running hcg going into pct then starting your SERM/clomid therapy.
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