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Quick Cutting Cycle Ideas


New member
I'm thinking of running another cycle while I'm trying to cut and looking for some thoughts and ideas.

I was initially thinking test p and anavar.
Also considered looking at winny and primo as I hear they're pretty solid while cutting.

It'll only be my third cycle so not looking at Tren, although, just looked at oral Tren as an option. Also don't feel like I have low enough bf for mast.

First cycle was Sust250 only and second was test/eq/var that didn't work out well.

Proper on cyle support and PCT will be followed.

Currently 5' 10" 190. Got up to 203 and now cutting back down.

Any advice on cutting cyle would be great.

If test p/var or test/primo/var are recommended how would you recommend dosing?

I did 250mg test and 350mg tren ace /week and went good, i just eat at maintenance on day off and 200-300 surplus day on (workout) and gained 5-6lbs but at the same time i dropped bf from 13-14% to 9%
I'm definitely interested in Tren, but figured I'd wait a little while. Only my third cycle and first two weren't the best.

Look into EQ. It's kind of like tren's little brother. It will provide really nice lean mass gains with minimal water retention. It isn't necessarily the best idea for a cutting cycle because it can increase appetite in some users.

I loved EQ and am naturally a skinny guy with a small appetite so the appetite increase only helped me.
The second cycle I did was 400mg test c aND 600mg Eq for 16 weeks and started Var at the end. Got some info that the Var and Eq were crap so I stopped where I was and just finished the test.

I can get a blend of 200mg test/200mg eq. Was thinking of doing that at 400mg each a week. But I've been told Eq is really only effective at 600mg or higher and 16 weeks. Thoughts?
The second cycle I did was 400mg test c aND 600mg Eq for 16 weeks and started Var at the end. Got some info that the Var and Eq were crap so I stopped where I was and just finished the test.

I can get a blend of 200mg test/200mg eq. Was thinking of doing that at 400mg each a week. But I've been told Eq is really only effective at 600mg or higher and 16 weeks. Thoughts?

Completely untrue. I usually use EQ at 300mg/week. People think EQ is not a strong steroid and requires a large dosage because it does not aromatize heavily and does not cause a lot of water retention. People assume steroids like deca are stronger because they make the scale weight balloon up.

EQ is just as strong as deca mg for mg. It just will lead to much less water retention and less initial scale weight gain. The difference in scale weight is not muscle, it's just water retention.
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