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Puffy Nips vs Gyno


Senior Veteran
I've always had somewhat puffy nipples, and it's been annoying.

Basically they are starting to look a little puffier, but I have no itchyness, lumps, tenderness or soreness anywhere around them. They look great when they're hard but when they aren't they just seem puffier than normal.

Do you think I need to get some Letro or Aromasin? I'd prefer not to if I don't have to.

So my question is, if it's gyno, would they still look bad when hard?
I have no gyno but I do have puffy nips. I think it has something to do with prolactin or progesterone. I am gettin some dostinex and see how that works.
i get it.. 6-oxo works wonders, but there are products that are coming out very soon..

we will be reviewing them... the wonders of body composition never seem to stop amazing me..

dostinex keeps mine under control.. proviron works well also..
Puffy nips isn't really gyno. It may be the start of it. I was under the assumption that gyno is when there is hard tissue behind the nipple area.

Depending on what AS you are taking you will need either Adex, Letro, Aromasin, or Casaber (sp?) to help reduce it. I took 1mg ED of Adex for my puffy nips and it has been reduced about almost 100%.
I'm 4.5 weeks and 13lbs up on the current cycle:

Wk 1-5: Anadrol (started at 100mg a day, dropped down to 50mg for BP)
Wk 1-6: Test Prop 100mg EOD
Wk 3-12: Test E 600mg/wk
Wk 1-10: Tren E 400mg/wk
Wk 7-12: Winny 50mg ED
Pikaberdot said:
I'm 4.5 weeks and 13lbs up on the current cycle:

Wk 1-5: Anadrol (started at 100mg a day, dropped down to 50mg for BP)
Wk 1-6: Test Prop 100mg EOD
Wk 3-12: Test E 600mg/wk
Wk 1-10: Tren E 400mg/wk
Wk 7-12: Winny 50mg ED

you using any anti-Es like arimidex/aromasin/letrozole?
i'd grab some letro. It is a lot more agressive anti-e. if it is gyno in an early stage, it would clear it up quite quickly. if it doesnt clear it could just be do more cardio because your body may be storing some fat there.
Pikaberdot said:
I've always had somewhat puffy nipples, and it's been annoying.

Basically they are starting to look a little puffier, but I have no itchyness, lumps, tenderness or soreness anywhere around them. They look great when they're hard but when they aren't they just seem puffier than normal.

Do you think I need to get some Letro or Aromasin? I'd prefer not to if I don't have to.

So my question is, if it's gyno, would they still look bad when hard?

i have the exact same thing.. im not taking any ai's on purpose to see if it develops and so far (knock on wood) its just puffyness without any tenderness or ichyness or whatever.. im almost at week 8 of 500 test 400 deca..
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