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pre contest cycle


New member
im 33 w 3 cycles under my belt
planning cycle for contest
(12 weeks long)
dbol 70mg ed 4weeks then 2 weeks 50mg ed
prop 150mg eod 2-10 wk
masteron 100 eod 4-12 wk
tren ace 75 eod 4 - 12 wk
amx 0, 5 mg ed as im prone to gyno
letro on a hand and might use it at the end of cycle to dry out more :)

whats ur opinion ?
many thanks

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What sort for contest? If body building you may want to reconsider the dbol.. I would suggest something like winny @ 50 mg Ed or anavar... or even Tbol to replace the dbol brotha! Prop/mast/fina/winny is the bees knees
ok I go for anavar. how much of masteron to take when I drop the test p ?
I ll also run winny for last 4 weeks as u suggested.
thank u very much for ur help guys
btw im going for British championship

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