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potential virgin user with some heavy ammo

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Ever wonder why anadrol is in a 50 mg tab while Winstrol is a 2mg tab? It has a lousy affinity for androgeinc/ anabolic receptors. It is however very good at increasing blood volume, which accounts for the fast gains, and consequently, the fast loses. That's a fact and you don't have to take it yourself in order to know that.

100mgs a day is extremely liver toxic.

As for the original poster, why are you asking advice and then presenting a hypothetical situation which constitutes ignoring the advice? Listen to what's being told or shut up and just do what you want.
Nelson Montana said:
As for the original poster, why are you asking advice and then presenting a hypothetical situation which constitutes ignoring the advice? Listen to what's being told or shut up and just do what you want.

Damn straight i bet my shrivled up pea sized left testicle this mofo will be downing 100mg mg of drol everyday for the next 5 weeks.
Nelson Montana said:
As for the original poster, why are you asking advice and then presenting a hypothetical situation which constitutes ignoring the advice? Listen to what's being told or shut up and just do what you want.

I asked the original question in hopes of getting some more definitive answers such as "Taking anadrol during a first cycle is bad because yadda...yadda...yadda." I already know that anadrol is highly liver toxic, but why is it worse to implement on a first cycle than a second or third?

One thing I know for damn certain is that the more weight you put up, the bigger your muscle gets. Having said that, if I took an anadrol cycle and followd that up with Winstrol, wouldn't that secure a good portion of my gains? If not, why???

As for your advice to "listen or shut up" I think I'll pass on that. For everything that's said here, I can talk to someone else that has a different angle. Being new to roids, I will ask as many questions as necessary to collect the information I need before making an educated decision. I don't take any one opinion as gospel.
i am new to steroids too, and also doing lots of research and asking lots of questions. when a page and a half of replys from people with experience tells you its a bad idea, it's proli a bad idea.

contenue your own research but ask more ditect questions
PoweredUp said:
I asked the original question in hopes of getting some more definitive answers such as "Taking anadrol during a first cycle is bad because yadda...yadda...yadda." I already know that anadrol is highly liver toxic, but why is it worse to implement on a first cycle than a second or third?

c'mon man. These guys most definately have it right. U sound to me like a guy who is only ready to listen to someone telling u what u want to hear. That is a seriously unhealthy approach to juicing.

I did anadrol and gotta tell u its bad. Aside from the liver toxicity (which is through the roof and 100mg ed? poof goes ur liver) the sides is baaad. Acne from day 1, headaches and baaad bloat. U'd need some strategy for aromatase inhibitor because the aromatization is awful. Do not and u'll grow breasts fast! The last thing is: U'll get very strong very quick. Gain at a tremendous rate. But u'll blow up most of the gain being water and u'll lose ALL of it after. Then u'd gone through all that hassle with the sides for nothing. U'll be unhappy with ur lifting because u'll lose that insane strength. But the worst part is: Starting with something as heavy as anadrol may limit what u can get uot of other more sensible componds later. Ask AR or Nelson about this tho as i'm not sure about how bad this effect would be.

Overall: There's a TON of good reasons not to start with anadrol. But if ur mind is set: When u won't hear u must feel.
rambleon said:
PoweredUp said:
I did anadrol and gotta tell u its bad. Aside from the liver toxicity (which is through the roof and 100mg ed? poof goes ur liver) the sides is baaad. Acne from day 1, headaches and baaad bloat. U'd need some strategy for aromatase inhibitor because the aromatization is awful. Do not and u'll grow breasts fast! The last thing is: U'll get very strong very quick. Gain at a tremendous rate. But u'll blow up most of the gain being water and u'll lose ALL of it after. Then u'd gone through all that hassle with the sides for nothing. U'll be unhappy with ur lifting because u'll lose that insane strength. But the worst part is: Starting with something as heavy as anadrol may limit what u can get uot of other more sensible componds later.
This is more along the lies of what I was looking for. Someone actually spelling it out rather than simply saying "Anadrol is bad for a first cycle." Thank you.
PoweredUp said:
I asked the original question in hopes of getting some more definitive answers such as "Taking anadrol during a first cycle is bad because yadda...yadda...yadda." I already know that anadrol is highly liver toxic, but why is it worse to implement on a first cycle than a second or third?

One thing I know for damn certain is that the more weight you put up, the bigger your muscle gets. Having said that, if I took an anadrol cycle and followd that up with Winstrol, wouldn't that secure a good portion of my gains? If not, why???

As for your advice to "listen or shut up" I think I'll pass on that. For everything that's said here, I can talk to someone else that has a different angle. Being new to steroids, I will ask as many questions as necessary to collect the information I need before making an educated decision. I don't take any one opinion as gospel.

If the overwhelming opinion is shared by the majority. It is a good indicator it is correct. If you come on here and question the vets, after they've given you their 'knowledge based' opinion, you will not earn their respect, which means, in future you will not get their advice - which is the exact advice you want.

So to sum up dont be all fucking cocky, ask direct questions, such as 'why is it so toxic', etc.

Oh, and Nelson knows his shit better than most. So give the guy respect. he's earnt it.
wheres the heavy ammo?

theres a 5 week cycle of anadrol - crap, followed by a 5 week cycle of winstrol - crap.

One thing I know for damn certain is that the more weight you put up, the bigger your muscle gets. Having said that, if I took an anadrol cycle and followd that up with Winstrol, wouldn't that secure a good portion of my gains? If not, why???

this is not true at all. take test e for 10 weeks with no ai and see how quick you blow up from the estrogen increase and water retention and then watch the weight you were pushing drop back down when the cycle ends.

you dont sound like you educated yourself on aas yet. your 2 cycle proposal is terrible for plenty of reasons. if you want, run it. you'll look like complete garbage running anadrol by itself and by the time the winstrol takes affect in your "2nd cycle", all the water weight from the anadrol will be pissed out and you'll be back at step 1.
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