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No testosterone cycle if 35yr old???


New member
i just told a guy in the gym that i'll be doing my first cycle of test e + aromasin. He told me to not to do it as it will completely shutdown my test production naturally as I am 35 yr old. Sounds rubbish though I though I must ask experts here. I was thinking of 500mg per week, should I do 250 mg per week for the starting??

:confused::confused::confused:Advice please!!!
he is right. all exogenous anabolic steroids will suppress and shutdown the pituitary glands while they are in our bodies. exogenous growth hormone will shut down our bodies natural GH as well.

it is important to run a PCT and cycle off to allow your HPTA to recover fully each time, so you don't permanently shut yourself down for life. a lot of younger guys who use steroids will not be able to ever recover because their HPTA/reproductive organs hasn't fully matured yet, that is why you have 18 year olds using steroids and then once they get into their 20's they find out their T levels are very low. you should never run steroids until you are atleast 21, and preferably 25 for that reason
My Plan (Hopefully final :qt: )
Week 1-10 500mg Test E
Week 1-10 12.5mg Aromasin (EOD)
Week 12-14 20mg/50mg Nolva and Clomid (ED)

Anything to add or remove??
If this is your 1st cycle get bloods before you start your cycle to see where you're at and I would do a few shots of hcg week 10-12
If this is your 1st cycle get bloods before you start your cycle to see where you're at and I would do a few shots of hcg week 10-12

so we are talking about kidney and liver tests?? also let me know about HCG. is it done during cycle or PCT??
Run a good PCT that includes N2GUARD and BRIDGE and take enough time off before the next cycle and you'll recover.

Keep in mind -- once you hit 40 or so, your T level will never be what it once was whether you cycle or not.
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