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My cycle updates


I haven't posted in a while, but wanted to share my success! Been training for 20 years, 15 seriously and have ran 15- 20 cycles. Stats are 5'10'' 239 currently @ 10ish bf% I've competed in two shows, won both @ 189 lbs in 2010 and at 199 in 2011...

I'm currently 4 weeks into my 10 week cycle consisting of;
TMT (prop/tren/mast) 150mg eod
Winny 50 mg ed
clen/ t-3

I've run this cycle in the past with great results, however this go around I've also added in some peptides & DAMN!!!

Starting weight was 222lbs currently 239lbs and much leaner!! I'm thinking the peptides are the biggest change.... I'm running
GHRP-2 @ 200mcg. 3/ day &
CJC-1295 no DAC 200mcg. 3/ day

I'm not sure if it's the peptides as much as the year I took off prior to starting back in the gym 8 months ago. Also, I was a fat kid, and I was wondering if my GH has been low since then & the peptides are making up for lost time, that make since?

Just thought I'd share, thanks for listening!
None as of late, but i plan on it! I'll try and post a few from

@ 189


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