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liquifem ?? also sore nipps

upone said:
jacshelb- no worries dude. Any help/advice/input is appreciated.
x- libido was something i was worried about for te trip. Plus I'd rather keep all my items away from the trip. As I said I noticed a big difference in sensativity with the 40mgs Nolva alone. I'll throw in the letro when I get back.
I'll be occupied with work and other things so libido won't effect me that much.
I just want to make sure I don't have that issue while on vacation.

I'll keep this updated.
Thx for all the help

Good to hear, let's work on this so your gyno is gone completely not too long after you come back ;)
X or mac, I have used adex in the past and it was not very helpful with bloating issues allthough gyno is not something I have ever had to deal with. I want to really reduce the bloat for my next test/eq cycle, but am concerned about the libido issues. With test there, is the libido issue AFTER the cycle is done during pct, or thru the entire usage? Thanks for any feedback you can provide.
rykertest said:
X or mac, I have used adex in the past and it was not very helpful with bloating issues allthough gyno is not something I have ever had to deal with. I want to really reduce the bloat for my next test/eq cycle, but am concerned about the libido issues. With test there, is the libido issue AFTER the cycle is done during pct, or thru the entire usage? Thanks for any feedback you can provide.

libido issues are variable; if you want to reduce bloat (not gyno) - you can run the letrozole at lower dosages like .25mgs-.5mgs ED (depends on your test dose) along with some natural diuretics. This should dry you out with minimal libido issues.
Ohh it's great to have people like x around here. Lots of experience and knowledge to back up what they say. Very helpful
Mr.X said:
libido issues are variable; if you want to reduce bloat (not gyno) - you can run the letrozole at lower dosages like .25mgs-.5mgs ED (depends on your test dose) along with some natural diuretics. This should dry you out with minimal libido issues.

so if my dose of adex in previous cycles was .5 to 1 of liduidex, would .25 of letrozole be a noticable difference? Thanks again and K to you.
rykertest said:
so if my dose of adex in previous cycles was .5 to 1 of liduidex, would .25 of letrozole be a noticable difference? Thanks again and K to you.

Letrozole is very strong. Try .25mgs for a few days see how you like it, you can always bump to .5mgs-1mg - it's really up to how you feel when you're using it.
x just got back from vacation. I continued to take nolve there @ 30mgs/ED and for the last 4 days I cut it to 20mgs/ED. My nips feel great. I don't feel them beeing sensative. Although I do have a lot of water weight.

Should I still use the letro or save it for other times? What do you think. Maybe I should still take it at a low dose with the nolva to get rid of everything in case its still around. Just want to be safe
macrophage69alpha said:
arimidex is quite often too weak. Aromasin or AIFM are far better choices for prevention and treatment. Letro is the most potent, though as noted this can cause other issues, particularly libido- though its certainly effective at reducing estrogen. (which is why, while it works very well, it tends to cause the libido issues and dry joints/tendons- signs of too low estrogen)

i have arthritis, will taking letro while on the test really effect my joints, is it a bad idea?
upone said:
x just got back from vacation. I continued to take nolve there @ 30mgs/ED and for the last 4 days I cut it to 20mgs/ED. My nips feel great. I don't feel them beeing sensative. Although I do have a lot of water weight.

Should I still use the letro or save it for other times? What do you think. Maybe I should still take it at a low dose with the nolva to get rid of everything in case its still around. Just want to be safe

If your sore nipples got better with nolva use, why reinvent the wheel? :coffee: Just stick to novla for a few weeks and see how it works out for you. If you're not happy with the results in a few weeks, you can always jump on letrozole.
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