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LANKY'S 2,17 dimethyl DHT log


Well-known member
hello, my name is lanky,,,you may remember me from such posts as "how to make your own superdrol" "THG barry bonds favorite, how to synthesize it" and various other posts relating to structure function relationships of AAS that seem like they were written in a different language...well i am here today to finally test (2,17 dimethyl DHT) better known by the name of anabolic xtreeme's superdrol, serious nutrition solutions methyl-drol, EST methyl-XT.

Product tested- 2,17 dimethyl dht(SNS Methyl-Drol)
Duration-4-6 weeks or until side effects make me stop

starting lipid panel

Triglycerides- 45
cholesterol, total-165
HDL- 58


testosterone total-709


based on the structure function relationship of this product i predict having to stop using this product before the 4 weeks due to the side effect of hairloss. this product does not hold any estrogenic properties(which is important in hair growth cycle). I do expect this product to have anabolic properties though, a modest gain of 5 lbs will be expected from this product if i go the duration of 4 weeks. I expect no facial acne

gain in muscle
gain in strenght
stable/decreased bodyfat %

Hairloss(dry irritated scalp at first, then shedding, dry irritated sclap noted 4 days after 1-AD i expect the same of 2,17 dimethyl dht) im currently balding slightly
Possible hepatic side effect of increased AST, ALT, LDL, decreased HDL.

unnaceptable side effects
upper right quadrant pain-liver, thickened gallblader secretions "sludge" as evidenced by abdominal CT scan if needed, Hypertension, death, seizure, you know the big stuff, severe organ pain/damage

Acceptable sides
acne- acne is temporary- hairloss is permanent.
gyno-will not happen though with this product

I am going to compare this product to my goldstandard of 1-AD.

I just took 1'st dose.
its been 24 hours since ive started, workout was ok today, same strength as usual, took 40mg today. Nothing to comment on yet
72 hours later,,nothing,,,not even the slightest sign that this has any anabolic or androgenic properties. up to 60mg/day......i will give two more days, if i dont see any effect they will be receiving a phone call.

my predictions

1- product underdosed.
2- product does not contain any 2,17 dimethyl dht (could be purposefull)
3- there was a mix up in bottling, and there is their pct product in the capsules.
4- warehouse workers opened bottles and took out pills and filled with a $5 twinlab product(horny goat weed) lol @goat weed.(i caught the mass people on that one with my 1-AD a year or two ago, they think i dont know what a diol smells like and look like...they put 60 twinlab ripped fuel capsles(or similar looking product) in the bottle.)

my predictions on when i call or e-mail the company.
1- they give me the run around with the HR department
2- cant comment on the product because of legal issues.
3- try to rationalize that something may be wrong with my training or nutrition
4- that some people dont respond to anabolic substances...please..spare me the bs..
5 -they are not accountable for product claims---probably this one.
6- i will get no reply.

what i hope gets done
1- product testing of batch/ or my bottles
2- i give them insight into problems with their validation of chemical structure....yes mr. supplement company,,,you are saying that your product contains 2, 17 dimethyl dht...but are you sure the 2 methyl is in alpha and not beta. what about impurities, Yummy..palladium catalyst..residue from previous rxn..think of it as a bonus prize..a suprize in every pill.i wonder what i will get next..depakote...estrogen...terazosin..paxil...who knows

sorry about my rambling, just a little concerned.
96 hours later, nothing to comment on..even took 50mg as a morning dose,,probably up to 150 befor the day has ended.....oh yea.. the company will be hearing from me...i will hold my thoughts on this company until i talk to them..i have had previous good experiences with their 17 alpha methyl dht before the PH ban...analysis confirmed .
I have consulted with the company, although i will keep the details of the conversation private...i will reduce the 2,17 dimethyl dht to the recomended dosage of 30mg/day. i will save my comments on the product until the bottle is finished.
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