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kidney infection and recovery


New member
first if first i promised some of you i will post my results from my doc, well i pissed blood my kidneys hurt like a mtf i stoped my 250 mg of sus a week, and went to see a doc well got my blood results back and my doc said my kidneys and my liver look like new like they never saw as, anyway what i had is a bad kidney infection i was in the hospital for 2 days got back im on antibiotics now lost about 3 to 4 lbs, and i dont wana fuck around with clomid or hcg i was 6 weeks in my cycle do you guys think its wise not to take anything for recovery it was only 250mg of sus a week. I also dont wana loose more weight, do you guys think i might loose more weight when not takeing clomid or hcg.
I would at least do the Clomid. It's cheap and I don't see any potential problems. BTW, I've been on antibiotics for 1 year as of tomorrow. They're being used to prevent any further kidney infections until I have surgery to get something fixed. It's genetic and not AAS related. Have had NO problems since I've been on them and I'm currently on a cycle and am using HCG and will use Clomid post-cycle.

I'm not saying it's ok to use whatever you want when on your current medication. Just that I don't see a problem with Clomid.

thx im probably going to go with out gear for a year and then my cycle is going to be

dbol 30mg a day for 4 weeks
deca but not sure how much yet will see that year is going to be hell for me im going to push my self like there is no limit i wana gain about 10 pounds naturally with in a year, you guys think its possible.
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