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Is there a way to beat a drug test (roids)?

dude everyone forgets aboutt eh urinator it si a strap on dildo type thing and it has a urine puch under thebottom and you slightly squeeze the head of it and urine flows out ti slooks real and the tester guy isn;t going to be like uclose and magnifying your dick ya know
mitch1301 said:
I am on probation for gear. I am going to be tested at random for drugs and maybe AS, not sure yet. Is there something to take that helps screw with the results? If I did a low dose test only cycle say at 250mg a week would that be enough to raise my test levels above average? Rick Collins told me its rare for probation officers to test for AS but they can and have done so in the past. Thanks in advance for any replies to this post.


Try pissing inside a condom, tie it up real tight, and then hide it somewhere on your body. Make sure to wear baggy pants. This should not throw up as many red flags as it would 15 years ago because the vast majority of young blacks and whites are wearing bagging jeans.
My prob is with the feds. They do watch you piss, they have mirros and everything and they watch it all, sucks. I have to choice but to piss without the aid of any type of strap on deal or use the old piss in a tube. So far everything is cool, only tested for crack and crap like that thus far. Only problem is I have been tested each time I check in. Thanks for all the help. Once I get this down like Nautica I will gladly help anyone else in the same sort of situation.

mitch1301 said:
My prob is with the feds. They do watch you piss, they have mirros and everything and they watch it all, sucks. I have to choice but to piss without the aid of any type of strap on deal or use the old piss in a tube. So far everything is cool, only tested for crack and crap like that thus far. Only problem is I have been tested each time I check in. Thanks for all the help. Once I get this down like Nautica I will gladly help anyone else in the same sort of situation.


feds hugh....damn.
have you come up with any ideas?

pm me if you'd rather
BBJ said:

feds hugh....damn.
have you come up with any ideas?

Yeah I am going to do Prop only for 3 weeks and then take 1-1.5 weeks off before I report. It seems that the feds test every visit for the first 60 days. After that the determine the odds that you will start using and then decide when they want a UA from there. Even if tested the majority of the test should have left the system after taking a week off due to the detection time of prop. If I ever start I will let everyone know. Now the hard part is getting some stuff at prices I can afford. I will not take the chance and have anything mailed to my house. Thanks for all the input everyone, especially Natuica.

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