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If money is not an factor, what is the best gear?

As above... Age? Wieght, Height etc...

every other day shots for your 1st time around is adking for trouble imho..

*Note: If i had a dollar for everyone who said they were only going to do one cycle, then ended up doing 5 or more I'd be loaded!

I could not agree with you more
I am about to do my first real cycle, and want to stay as safe and healthy as possible. I dont plan on doing any cycles after this, and want to do it right.

I was thinking 6-8 weeks of Test Prop and Primo. Or just a cycle of test prop. Im only looking to gain 10-20lbs and just fill out some lagging muscles, and help develop the mature muscle.

Can anyone advise on dosing or good a good stack?

6" 190. 10-12%bf
hahahahah thats what we all say just one cycle
100mg Test Prop Human Grade
200mg Primo Human Grade (if can find legit)

EOD (which I just did and can pretty much say that is officially "my" cycle from now on. even though using something a bit different now)

but I would include 30mg BTG Oxandrin ED as well.
Yes I remember saying that 6 years ago. That rolled into (just one more) and that rolled into (aaah fuck it who needs ever come off). :biggrin:
Yea I plan on quieting one day, when they pile 6ft. of dirt over the top of my ass. Unless of course I can find a good source in Heaven.
2 pages of replies but only Nelson & AAP responded to the question. I don't know much about Primo tabs, but my response to the question is simple:
Primobolan...period. (ok with a low dose of test)

Simply the best :D
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