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I fu**** HATE The Term "Cutting Cycle"?!?!?

So what is the best cycle for a cutter??? :biggrin:

He's about 5'8" 135 pounds and he wears his sisters jeans lolololol

He should definitely include high-dose tren with some winny and oxandrolone. He also should add some test to keep libido normal. Since primo is also good with low-cal diets, he also should use that. He shall also kickstart with dbol plus it will melt his intra-abdominal fat.
He better should use some humalog to get into ketosis quickly. So , overally:

weeks 1-6 dbol @ at least 50 mg to see minor results
1-8 tren
6-12 winny
12-20 anavar
1-20 primobolan
1-20 test
1-4 16-20 humalog

that should definitely make him look cut :biggrin:

He shouldnt do any pct because it requires money.
Sounds to me like you're more annoyed with the over used term of a "cutter cycle" than anything else. Anyone who generally uses that term is just basically saying that he wants to drop some fat, from his already muscular body, or in a different usage, run a few steroids that give a person a more harder, lean look. It has nothing to do with a person, whether he's fat and lazy and now he wants to run a "cutter" cycle. In fact, I usually see that term tossed around from guys who have their diets in check and have been running bulker cycles and want to shed the water and tighten up a bit.

Yes, I sort of see your point in the over usage of that term, but that's almost like ripping on someone who comes in here and posts, "Can I drink Winny?" ..

well, I take it back, we should be ripping on those morons..


well no problem with those who needs to lose only a few percent to get their old look. You can do that even while you are gaining mass if u know how to use roids properly.

Just like our good bro GUARDIAN said, steroids should be used for gaining mass !!!
Cutting Cycle for 20% bf:

wks 1-15: Deficit 200 calories ED
wks 1-15: Cut off carbs at 6PM ED
wks 1-15: AM fasted cardio 60 minutes @ 75% MHR ED

This stack will result in about 10 lbs fat loss / negligible muscle loss over course of cycle
Why the hell I see tons of people starting a cutting cycle with so-called drugs???

You are already fucking with your health, and you are wasting it with cutting??? Why the hell would someone first consider using steroids to get down from high BF%?? You should be able to lose fat easily if you have high bf%. In case you think of a cycle, then you have.

If you are a fat ass or can't lose fat, first get your fucking diet in order!!!

Steroids are not for people who don't even know how to eat!!!

( pro's etc.... excluded)


This is a pretty ignorant post..u diet u lose muscle..u add in steroids u keep muscle and accelerate fat loss... What is there not to understand? U diet without steroids u lose more muscle..I know I don't bust my ass working out only to lose it by dieting...
This is a pretty ignorant post..u diet u lose muscle..u add in steroids u keep muscle and accelerate fat loss... What is there not to understand? U diet without steroids u lose more muscle..I know I don't bust my ass working out only to lose it by dieting...

You diet correctly, you lose none to minimal. It is even possible to gain some.
I think you guys might be talking about 2 classes of people here. My comment was on the 20%bf dude that comes to the board because he hears there are steroids that "cut". He doesn't have much LBM to begin with and really just needs to lose weight. He's thinking that these "cutting" steroids are like the holy grail to weight loss

You guys are talking about dudes that have a large amount of LBM (unlike the guy above) and you don't want to lose any of those hard earned gains when dieting.

I'm not sure which AG is talking about.

Regardless, lets come together and love each other.

Just because some people agree with you still doesn't mean you're right.

Thanks for speaking the truth here Drsketch and Hayez.
you get someone that is new to weights and diet they can lose fat and gain muscle...once that newness wears off its a battle from there on...if people have any experience lifting they know that in a calorie deficit it is very difficult to keep up the same strength and hold mass while need food to dont have enough food you dont grow you lose weight!
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