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how much gains is 2 much in 12 week Cycle

Went from 184 to 216 in 8 weeks. No issues with joints. Got off cycle, lost some water weight and also added cardio and ephedrine and dropped to 200lbs. I have an awesome look. You will lose a bit what you gain and when you are off, you will not look as full. Do some cardio and you will have the Greek Statue look. And yeah, diet is key to everything.
right now I feel light my joints are starting to hurt, more so then usall...will see if i can keep it going. But this tren and low test cycle, is the bomb. I use endo rush for every workout:) and those post workout drinks kick ass. id say its more spoiled way of getting bigger. you got all the corner cutting
I started a cycle after I was sick and lost alot of weight.

I started @ 155lb

week 6 of 12 of test E
week 3 0f 7 of tren

im already @ 175lbs. I think I can get up 2 185 and then I should not push it any more cause I can rish tendon damage. The rest of my body must catch up right?

im just going for the statue of David look. not a pro body builder.
anyone here gain more then 30lbs safely under 200lb range, with no tendon or joint issues????

Hmmmm... Not sure about the tendon damage bro.

How do your joints and tendons feel the day after a workout?

Hmmmm... Not sure about the tendon damage bro.

How do your joints and tendons feel the day after a workout?


They feel tight. I think ill just add more stretching. I just dont wanna tear my bi-cept. im not sure how easy that is on this sort of cycle...
i wouldnt of done a cycle at 155 5'10 personally, but whatever hope you did some research and were training for a few years. My advice is gain as much as you gain now and you will loose some when you come off anyways
I understand where he's coming from. my first cycle was straight test-E at 500 mg/wk for 11 weeks. I actually got a little scared at the rate I was putting on weight. By week 8 I was up 25 lbs and was starting to worry about what people were going to think, and whether I was growing too fast for my body to sustain it. I ended up finishing the last 3 weeks of the cycle at a lower dose of 250 mg every 5 days.

Looking back on it, I should have upped my dose and ate 2000 more calories!

In conclusion, don't worry about the weight gain, eat more, train more, grow more. Your body will adjust itself even if that means losing some of the weight post-cycle.
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