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How many guys over 230lbs here, give stats

235lbs while on cycle
218 lbs now, been off for 6 weeks
10% bf
17 inch arms
36 inch waist
17 inch neck
17 inch calves
27 inch thighs
brianharper94 said:
Not sure on all my measurements, and my girlfriend is already asleep so I'm not going to wake her up to measure me. Here's my basics:
316 (today)
around 10%, quiet possibly less
23 1/8" arms
19 1/2 " forearms(I really like my forearms)
21 7/8"calves
35" thighs
39 1/2" waist

I'm not sure on my chest and shoulders....I can't measure them myself.

I have a little neck for my size. It's only 20 3/4" It looks funny.

Bro you are a beast, i want you genetics


260 lbs
38" waist
18 in bis
14" forearms
my neck is pretty big and all my fat is held in my chest and abs, it sucks ( any advise for losing it would be great)
20% BF used to be well over 30, it was 52% 6 years ago, about 35% last year, then i found the weight room last year, now im bigger stronger and cooler :cool: :rate: like i said, any advise would be great
Nice numbers Squatter, I just pulled 700 from the floor for the first time last week, and got an 900 partial at 18" in the rack.
Looks like I really need to improve my legs, looking at the comparison with the other guys stats, I need about 5 inches on my legs, which I knew already. I could really pack on my weight if my legs were up to pare. I used COLD STATS to measure after 2 days off the gym.
the numbers look good on the screen don't they? but i'd like to see pics. I know we've got alot of big guys on the board, but I also know that just because you are over 230lbs does't mean u look good. I am about 235-240 right now (cutting) and I look like crap.... you always hear good stats on this board, but very rarely do u see any pics that are impressive.

btw, my pics look like shit so this isn't a flame.
6'0" Feet
17" arms
18" Neck
34" waist

It's true the numbers dont mean much, I look like crap too.

But I feel great and I'm strong like a bull.
38yrs old
52" chest
18.5" neck
19" arms
19" calfs
29" quad
34" waist
7% bf
but I start my bulking cycle on 12/1/01
so it shoud get better
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