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Hgh, var & clen cycle


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I'm a 27 year old female and weight 145 lbs. I've lost about 40lbs in the last year and have hit a plateau. Most of my friends are in body building and have suggested hgh, var and clen. I have taken clen before but never the other 2. I just finished a cycle of clen and saw no results but I attribute that to the fact that I was taking too low of a dosage. Almost done my 2 weeks off and going to start it up again Monday. I am now taking 20mcg of var around 1pm as I workout at 5. I'm now thinking about adding hgh to the mix to get optimal results. Can anyone tell me if this is a good idea or should I just stick to what I'm doing now? Any other suggestions?
I'm currently on a diet of 1400 calories and workout 5-6 days a week. Weights and cardio.
Also im new to the supplement world. Any suggestions on what I should be taking daily?

Thanks you
I dont think you need var and hgh to break your plateau but if you are going down that path hgh is extremely expensive and regularly faked or under dosed. I think you would be much better off tryinv some peptides. I would recomend ipamorelin and gh fragment 2-5 times a day depending on how good you are with needles. Start low at like 50mcg of each and gradually taper up if you arent getting too bad of sides.
Injection with peptides should be painless its only subq injection with a tiny insulin pin
So first off, var is not for losing weight. If you do it right, you're weight should go up and you should see some muscle growth. It sounds like you are taking liquid var?? What's the concentration? 20 mcgs doesn't tell us what your dose is.

Secondly, I agree with the above poster about not needing supplements to break the plateau and you should be wary of ANY bodybuilder throwing advice around that loosely imo. Personally, I never saw much in terms of results with clen and it does come with some risks to the heart. Var is great as a first cycle but only if you're going to use it to put some mass on. HGH....totally agree with ^^^. He hit the nail on the head.

It sounds like you've hit a point where you need to shake things up a bit. Personally, I'd start with your nutrition. 1400 is pretty low with that much activity. You could add in a couple higher days of calories just to kick start your body. The other thing to keep in mind with body building in particular is that you can lose a ton of weight and then you have to switch gears and focus on building some muscle. You can continue to lose body fat doing that but if not, you end up just looking what we call "skinny fat".
I'm thinking about 1/10th of a cc for 5 mgs.
So I should stop with the var and clen and start with gh and ipamorelin?

Also not I am not on liquid var. I take one pill which is 20mg and am taking about 150 mcg of liquid clen.
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