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Gyno Question...Advice needed


New member
so I started with Sust/deca/winny(oral) and then when I started to feel a nipple lump a couple weeks into my cycle, I took some letro. then my sex drive went to shit, so I dropped the deca/winny/letro. in the past, nolva has worked the one time I took it post cycle to take care of that swollen nip. I upped my sust a bit and waited for the deca to clear and now started taking Nolva to get this lump down. i'm worried it may be getting bigger and am contemplating stopping my cycle short. I'm hoping in the next week or so the nolva will do something. I'm hesitant to get back on letro because of a few reasons (insulin/blood glucose, lipids are out of whack). Does anyone think it would be advisable for me to throw in some proviron? some ideas please, thanks guys.
I would think that proviron would be a good idea, couldn't hurt. What worries me if the nolva isn't helping, you might be having issues with progesterone. Nolva won't do dick for that. I'd consider bromo or even dostinex just in case.
dostinex is the shit.. letro will kill your libedo everytime..

you can try the myogenX that specifically targets natural production of LH and will have great effect on the libedo, on or off cycle..

good luck..

Lobo hit it on the head by the way..
I am not sure I captured if you know if your gyno is from Deca or Test? I can take Deca 800 mg/week and get no gyno (prolactin/puffy), but take 150 - 200 mg test/week and get hard lumps in a week.

Proviron works good for me, but like many AAS/ancillaries opinions, a lot of people will say it's worthless. When I incorporate proviron at cycle onset (any cycle), my gyno symptoms seem to be subdued. Consenus is Nolva or SERM's don't do much for prolactin, but letro will. Nolva also has (supposedly) some progesterone receptor upregulating issues.

I think proviron, dostinex/bromo, would be a good choice for a nandrolone cycle, both prevention and treatment, as well as adding in another AI for your test (whether arimidex, aromasin or AIFM). If you are taking nolva or clomid concurrently with your cyle, then I would use aromasin in lieu of arimidex.

All these suggestions are if you don't want to use letro. For the record, I have had gyno so many times, letro has never worked for me to reduce lumps, but gave me extreme joint pain. Didn't really kill libido though for me as many purport. Stopping a cycle is the only thing that ever got rid of my gyno (never had surgery).
thanks guys, especially you zips, thanks for taking the time. to answer a few things, i actually don't know if it was deca or test. I'd never had this before with the same exact sust(same batch/amps etc.) This in itself is why I dropped at least one compound so I could narrow it down. it could very well be the sust thats doing it and not the deca. but it's been a couple of weeks now since my last deca shot and I dropped the winny. As for Bromo, I had a bad experience when I took that for one dose (albeit, I apparently took too much 2.5mg, even though my research said that was a common low dosage, i've learned since then). So now i'm only on the sust and nolva as of yesterday(also want to take nolva to improve my lipids, which came back high/low) and would like to add the proviron to help subdue this gyno thing. I'd be cool as long as I knew it wasn't gonna keep getting bigger, into full blown boobie. it really comforts me to hear zips say that you've had gyno so many times, that just go away after the cycle. thanks again, karma to everyone. always appreciate any more feedback about the addition of proviron to help keep the gyno monster away?
babbabuee said:
so I started with Sust/deca/winny(oral) and then when I started to feel a nipple lump a couple weeks into my cycle, I took some letro. then my sex drive went to shit, so I dropped the deca/winny/letro. in the past, nolva has worked the one time I took it post cycle to take care of that swollen nip. I upped my sust a bit and waited for the deca to clear and now started taking Nolva to get this lump down. i'm worried it may be getting bigger and am contemplating stopping my cycle short. I'm hoping in the next week or so the nolva will do something. I'm hesitant to get back on letro because of a few reasons (insulin/blood glucose, lipids are out of whack). Does anyone think it would be advisable for me to throw in some proviron? some ideas please, thanks guys.

if you have gyno, your first priority should be getting rid of it - sex drive should be 2nd tier... run the letrozole until the gyno clears up and drop the deca/winny. Stick to a straight test cycle with arimidex after the gyno is gone...
mr.x, thanks for your feedback. I take it I should drop the nolva and run just the letro? not the both together right?
also, my lipids came back out of whack, thought the nolva would help that, another reason I opted against the letro.
What dose of Nolva are you using? If you are getting ed improvement with the Nolva then keep it going. If you have Arimidex throw it in there as well. Proviron works in synergy with Nolvadex so yes take the Proviron with the Nolva (100mg/day Proviron until the lump clears and then drop it to 50mg/day)

As Mr. X said, you have to go all out on the gyno to clear it as quickly as possible before becomes binded (permanent tissue)

I would suggest next time you are doing any test or aromatizing gear to take some arimidex/nolva & proviron/AIFM at the start of the cycle to prevent it from reoccurring.

Good luck
babbabuee said:
I take it I should drop the nolva and run just the letro? not the both together right?

These two drugs will compete for sure (from what I have read).

Can you afford/get access to Aromasin? It may well solve your problem as well. Anyone care to back that up?

Bear in mind I have not done an AS cycle and I am basing this off of my own research from a variety of forums/limited journal articles.

Good luck with it all!

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