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GUYS!!! guys...guys guys guys seriously guys

they hurt when i lift my arms above my head, and i cant tell if its my skin or tendons that hurt.

i have horrible stretchmarks on my lats and when i stretch my lats or do alot of pullups (which iv been doing a shitton of lately) my lats hurt real bad but its right where the stretchmarks are and they get redder

Yea kinda sounds like you have it too. I can't even think about pullups without my lateral bicep tendons throbbing. Luckily my arms are 32" and I don't need to work them much. I used to also play professional sports and was an army ranger.
Yea kinda sounds like you have it too. I can't even think about pullups without my lateral bicep tendons throbbing. Luckily my arms are 32" and I don't need to work them much. I used to also play professional sports and was an army ranger.

Boy lotta dopers in this thread, fucking ibuprofen junkies. Sub get yo ass some hydros, I lift with them everyday and I aint going for Incline PR's with 2 plates and a quater bro. :biggrin:

i can incline 315 nugga.

just hit up 315x5 full clean reps monday, and 290 5x5 yesterday on flat

i also did 350x5 squats and pullups 5x5 with 60 lbs hanging off my nuts. my lats are falling off though
You'll be good if you can't get that squat up 2 at least 405 for reps.. Other then that, you got big boy lifts. 315 incline is good
i can incline 315 nugga.

just hit up 315x5 full clean reps monday, and 290 5x5 yesterday on flat

i also did 350x5 squats and pullups 5x5 with 60 lbs hanging off my nuts. my lats are falling off though

Legit numbers dude. Nowhere near your level.
You'll be good if you can't get that squat up 2 at least 405 for reps.. Other then that, you got big boy lifts. 315 incline is good

i dont use a belt or knee wraps or any bullshit, and i squat ass to calves every time.

my ass and legs are real big as it is, and my deadlift is pretty solid. on squats, iv hit 405 for a few, clean reps where i could pause at the bottom. because of my tendancy for my lower back to lock up i always keep my form flawless on squats - and usually keep reps between 10-20 with lower weight, and then hit my deads low rep and heavy. i really should just use a belt thought. when i'm on cycle my squats shoot up because my lower back and hip flexors dont wear out as fast
Legit numbers dude. Nowhere near your level.
well you dont juice do you?

and thanks, your advice is actually what got my bench back up - if you remember when i came off i was complaining that it was crashing, and you told me to back off. so i switched to 5x5 routine that was going around here a while back and put 315x5 as my max on week 3 (which i just finished) and smoked it. on cycle i was barely getting it for 6-8, so im pretty happy with that
and thanks, your advice is actually what got my bench back up - if you remember when i came off i was complaining that it was crashing, and you told me to back off. so i switched to 5x5 routine that was going around here a while back and put 315x5 as my max on week 3 (which i just finished) and smoked it. on cycle i was barely getting it for 6-8, so im pretty happy with that

Good shit man. Been doing myo-reps (that rest pause shit we spoke about before) for going on 12 weeks now and I love it. Numbers continuing to improve weekly.
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