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(G/F)I finally got myself a training partner( IRISH question for ya)

dieting is a huge factor in powerlifting. whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, diet is always a consideration. we're trying to get past the part where you eat everything in sight to gain weight. the new generation of powerlifters want to live past their 40s and with all the complications due to a shitty diet that one has to deal with, it only makes sense to have some sort of nutrition plan in the back of your head. some guys still like the old school eat whatever, but we're moving to planned eating and a better understanding of why it's bad to sit and sweat while breathing hard under the air conditioning. there is no real reason to be a pissy slob.
and sense alot of us are guys here...

unless you're married or have some great qualities (money, drugs, etc.), it's alot easier to get pussy with a little better body. most chicks don't like a 300lb fat boy on top of them (no offense to the 300lb fat boys).
i train with my gf. on ME days, we just rotate in and then we do our own supplementals. we of course take different jumps but we generally finish around the same time. on DE days, she goes first. she does her speed and her 2nd lift before i start. during her supplementals, she helps me if i need any help (usually just holding the boards). then she helps load my dumbbells and strip weight or add on or whatever.

we've had the neighbors ask a few times if we were ok. the loud music and screaming and cussing doesn't always lend well to open ears. they just don't understand the love.
I just got my AOL working right now so Its the first time I see this since last night. First off thanks everyone.

Spatts I'll tell her about the dieting that you do and yes she does want to slim down and have the model look to her not cut that she loses her chest.

Han it was the first time for her lifting with me well actually the second time the very first time was a ME SQ/DL day and she freaked after I was up to(305newPR, then325 newPR, then 345newPR) SLDL and I went up to 355. I'm sure she'll get used to it but I doubt like spatts she'll get the "scary face".
Thanks for the correction on APF I'll have to look those records up for her and myself and let her know what she has to do or somewhere around there.

Freak I don't know I asked around and people said why not start on westside, I know what ur uncle is saying about start from a foundation now she hasn't trained westside with me....yet. I've had her doing just working on form and then 5X5 of the bar to work on her form well, good enough so she can get her lifts at the meet. I'm sure she'll love if there are women lifters there especially teen women lifters.

Deciever believe it or not bro I havn't gotten to the sex part with her yet. We're stil workin on that. Either way she loves that treadmill. But when the sex does come into play she won't have to worry about the treadmill.

Poetic thanks for the diet help and I'm glad i'm not the only one that trains with their g/f. I think it might be cool actually, who knows now she'll know why on ME days I don't feel like goin out and i just wanna stay home and watch a movie. Damn i'm sore as I type, I think i pinched my shoulder blades TOO MUCH yesterday.

Irish thanks man I'll make sure to keep that diet up for her and hopefully she'll listen to me, she ate dinner at my house tonight and dinner was PAPAs homemade pizza well that was fine but after the desert is what killed her, oh well we're teens we can't help it. I stayed away from the dessert then again I had 5 slices of pizza and I sat down at the table saying "i'm not that hungry tonight" and ate more than everyone else. Go figure:rolleyes:

IRBD does your g/f train westside also. ????
I just have my girlfriend on a basic push/pull/legs split. In March I am doing the same meet that I did as my first meet again. It is held at a Church and is very laid back. She is seriously thinking about doing it. That'll be ace. We have been working on her bad shoulder and just this week she finally took a barbell down to her chest in the flat bench position with no pain. So, by the time the meet rolls around we should have her moving some weight on those.
THanks IRBD well I think i'ma take somewhat of FREAKS advice and start her on the basics not Speed bench just yet I'll stil have her do a modified westside routine as for myself i'm gonna try it too I did a minicycle with the speed bench again and wasn't happy so i'm thinking until I start seeing that I can't gain anything anymore then i'll do speed bench while i'm stil new and young i'll do raw benching.

For the women out there what are some of your numbers, stats, and years of training?????She's interested(sittin here right next to me)
spatts said:
Hm...I sprinted for 17 years, then did some "bikini" stuff, and then 1 year of BB training. Been training for PL for 3 1/2 months. Benching around 200, dead around 400 (??), and squat around 300 (??). Lifts quoted are clean and raw. I'm 5'9'', hover between 175-185 depending on water weight, about 16-18% that what she's looking for?

hmm....bikini stuff...

Spatts sounds great.

Well today we worked out again DE bench day. And guess what I'm not the least bit surprised she's not gonna powerlift anymore.

We were talking and it's tru i mean she doesn't have the ambition yet too and I don't think that starting her with a advanced training method is a good idea anyway.

She MAINLY and she pointed this out to me wants to TONE up so I guess I'm just gonna put her on the BB type workouts with flys, DB presses, pec decks, leg press, leg curls, tri pushdowns, etc. How much time should she do cardio ??????? Spatts I really wanna thank you for tryin to help me out with her. I think in the future if we're stil together she will change her mind.

Your stats are amazing for a women, no offense to u b/c of the women thing, but stil amazing.
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