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First time tren


New member
Evening folks!

I've got two cycles behind me which were both Test @ 500-750mg and NPP @ 300mg per week for 12 weeks. Last cycle finished around the middle of August last year.

My proposed cycle is
40mg Dbol per day 1-4
250mg Test E per week 1 - 8
350mg Tren Ace per week, pinning everyday. 1 - 8
500mg Test E per week 8-12
HGC 1000iu's per week 1-12

Im using a low dose of test as I have read a lot about running a higher mg than the tren can bring on worse sides. I will however up the doseage if neccessary. I have enough to run 500mg for 12 weeks.

Dbol and Test E will be the only causes of water retention and gyno due to the conversion to estrogen. I have read that Nolvadex is not to be taken when on Tren as this induces Prolactin and Progesterone sides. So i will be running 50 to 100mg of Proviron ED for its very mild Anti-E capabilities. I will also be running 2 small does of 0.25mg Cabergoline per week to keep the Prolactin at bay.

The usual PCT Protocol will be in place 18 days after my last Test E shot consisting of Clomid 100/100/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20.

I will be injecting the Tren Sub-Q to try and avoid tren cough as ive read to just stay consistant with how I pin it, so i shouldnt switch between sub-q and intra.

The test is Aburaihan, tren is Malay Tiger and Dbol is AlphaPharma

Stats currently - 6 foot - 211lbs - 15% BF - 23 years old.

Diet plan is set at 3700 kcals with macros at carbs 45% - protein 45% - fat 10%

Training is heavy, low rep compound movements and both heavy low rep and lighter high rep isolation movements.

I have Enough NPP to last 10 weeks as well so if the tren doesn't agree with me I will swap the compounds out or just come off if advised otherwise.

Appreciate any feedback. I still have much to learn so please don't hold back!
Evening folks!

I've got two cycles behind me which were both Test @ 500-750mg and NPP @ 300mg per week for 12 weeks. Last cycle finished around the middle of August last year.

My proposed cycle is
40mg Dbol per day 1-4
250mg Test E per week 1 - 8
350mg Tren Ace per week, pinning everyday. 1 - 8
500mg Test E per week 8-12
HGC 1000iu's per week 1-12

Im using a low dose of test as I have read a lot about running a higher mg than the tren can bring on worse sides. I will however up the doseage if neccessary. I have enough to run 500mg for 12 weeks.

Dbol and Test E will be the only causes of water retention and gyno due to the conversion to estrogen. I have read that Nolvadex is not to be taken when on Tren as this induces Prolactin and Progesterone sides. So i will be running 50 to 100mg of Proviron ED for its very mild Anti-E capabilities. I will also be running 2 small does of 0.25mg Cabergoline per week to keep the Prolactin at bay.

The usual PCT Protocol will be in place 18 days after my last Test E shot consisting of Clomid 100/100/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20.

I will be injecting the Tren Sub-Q to try and avoid tren cough as ive read to just stay consistant with how I pin it, so i shouldnt switch between sub-q and intra.

The test is Aburaihan, tren is Malay Tiger and Dbol is AlphaPharma

Stats currently - 6 foot - 211lbs - 15% BF - 23 years old.

Diet plan is set at 3700 kcals with macros at carbs 45% - protein 45% - fat 10%

Training is heavy, low rep compound movements and both heavy low rep and lighter high rep isolation movements.

I have Enough NPP to last 10 weeks as well so if the tren doesn't agree with me I will swap the compounds out or just come off if advised otherwise.

Appreciate any feedback. I still have much to learn so please don't hold back!

Run the test for 12 weeks to allow the long ester a chance to break down in the body. I would just run Test and tren and leave off the NNP. Tren dosage 250-350mg for 8-10 weeks.
Run the test for 12 weeks to allow the long ester a chance to break down in the body. I would just run Test and tren and leave off the NNP. Tren dosage 250-350mg for 8-10 weeks.

Thanks for the quick response.
I was only going to runn the NPP if i dropped of the tren due to the bad sides.
Is that 250mg or 500mg for the 12 weeks sorry of just see which doseage i respond to better?
Should I start off with the lower dose of tren and increase as i go through the cycle?
I will run it for 8-10 as well.
Thanks again!
I would stick with a single dose of tren. Also doubling your dose of Test E at the end is unnecessary IMO, better do a front load and take the bigger dose from week 1-4, then lower to 250mg and stick with it.
How did the npp treat you at 300mg? I'm trying my first run with it soon. 175mg test and 300npp until i can asess side effects then i'm upping the npp to 450
I would not risk it , but thats just me , i keep higher test even with caber

Can't speak for NPP but with tren having test higher than tren is the #1 cause of terrible sides.
In a test/tren cycle the test has no purpose other than to replace the test you loose from shut down keeping things working in the bedroom.

100-250 a week a test is more than enough for that. Add in caber and AI and your gf won't know what to do with you, neither will be getting any sleep at all.
Progesterone needs estrogen to increase in your body so by running test low i'm keeping estrogen extremely manageable with the hopes of not getting gyno. I'm not a fan of running all these drugs like caber to combat sides. I dont even like taking arimidex because it makes my hands and voice tremble at times but i need it. Went 5 weeks without arimidex on 500mg test and i was destroying everything in my house and then collapsing to the floor crying for no apparent reason. Even broke down in the gym once because the song i was listening to was so beautiful .. lol .. i can only speak for my own body but with all that estrogen from test 2x higher than nandrolone i would need a bra. I'll be running proviron to preserve libido but back to the tren! Sorry for hijacking your thread op!
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