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First cycle.. Thoughts..


New member
Basically I've decided to use PH and been researching it for a while, I've been training for 2 years previously and have made some good gains.
I'm planning on taking test e at 400mg a week for 10 weeks & 30/40mg of dbol for 4 weeks
I plan on taking nolva and clomid for my pct.
I'm not sure if I'm gyno prone, my nipples are a bit puffy already but that may be due to my bf being about 25%, should I take nolva throughout my cycle? Or should I only start using it if I see signs of gyno? & what are your thoughts of my cycle?

My stats:
Over 2 years lifting
165 pounds
5ft 7 & 1/2
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The cycle looks good. But I would advice an AI for estrogen on cycle instead of a SERM. Arimidex or aromasin are your best options.

Besides estrogen control, what else do you have planned for cycle support? That is just as important as the gear you run.

Your PCT is outdated and needs an upgrade. Research, Research, Research.

What are you stats: Age, Height, Weight, Body Fat.
I'm not sure if I'm gyno prone so thought I wouldn't need to get an AI. And I would have nolva for my PCT so if I showed signs of gyno I could just use that? & what's outdated about my PCT? From what I've researched it seems to be effective, what changes would you make to my PCT?

I updated my post about my stats but..
165 pounds
Body fat not entirely sure but about 20-25%
you've chosen a good cycle for your 1st but id slightly change it to make it as effective as possible and ensure you get all you can from it.

Id stack it up like this my friend:

1-10 test e 400mg (split dosage Mon/Thursday)
1-4 d-bol 30/40 mg ed
1-4 N2guard (protect against dbol sides like liver, BP issues etc)
1-12 aromasin 12.5mg eod (alter dose as/if required)
1-10 hcgenerate (reduce atrophy and keep balls plump, aids recovery later on)
11-12 HCG 500-1000 iu's twice a week (plump your nuts up to help recovery for PCT)
13-16 clomid 25/25/25/25
13-16 unleashed/post cycle combo (dose as bottle instructs)
13-18 forma stanzol (dose as bottle instructs)
13-18 Daa powder (3g's a day)
Is it better to split the dosage? I was planning on taking it all on the same day.. 1ml which contains 400mg on test e, should I split this into 2 days? Would it be more effective?
& sorry for my inexperience but..
Would I need to take the H2Guard because it'll only be 4 weeks of dbol and it wouldn't damage my liver from just that?
& HCG would prevent my balls from shrinking but after my PCT they'd start to plump again anyway when they start producing test,
I just don't want to pay for anything extra which may not be a necessity.
You shouldn't even be thinking about cycling with a BF% that high. Idk if the guys above me caught that or not. Need to get it below 15% before you even consider it. The ammount of test that's going to aromatize due to your Bodyfat percentage is going to be very high. You'll basically go to war with gyno.
After reading what you said I checked online what my bf percentage is because before i just estimated it on looking aha & it calculated to 17.3% bf
Yeah, you shouldn't be thinking about steroids until you get your body fat down. 17/18 is still too high. You've only been training for 2 years which isn't that impressive. You've said that you have made decent gains, but it's obvious that your lifestyle isn't in check otherwise your body fat wouldn't be so high. Your diet and training regime are a hell of a lot more important than the cycle you're on, so you need to get that sorted before anything else.
I know this is gunna sound stupid, but I just checked another website where it asks for more information then the last one and according to that website I am 11%, & I have a good diet and training regime, I lift double my body weight on both squat and deadlift & have a good diet eating 500-1000 calories over my maintaining calories in order to gain weight, I also eat fairly clean with an occasional cheat day
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